Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How to Practice Self-Love

Hello, beautiful! Today, I want to talk to you about something that, like many of you, I struggle with every day: self-love.

Since I feel passionately that it is fundamentally important for all women to love themselves, inside and out, I want to share my tips for loving yourself a little bit more right now. However, before I get into those tips, I have a bit of a story to share with you about my journey toward a path of healing and self-love.

Warning: it's kind of a long one! However, I think it's important that I share this with you so you understand where I'm coming from when I share my struggles (and my tips!) for loving yourself today.

So, without further ado, let's get started: here's the story of how I went from an awkward, boy-crazy middle schooler to a self-love maven...well, more like work-in-progress ;)

My Self-Love Story...

This narrative, about self-love and the opposite sex, has been fermenting inside me for awhile now, but it's just now starting to bubble out. I'm sharing it with you not only to cleanse myself from the negative energy that's been brewing inside me along with this story, but also so that you can take something from it that might help you reclaim some of your own self-love.

As young women, I think we're trained to struggle with both our inner and outer beauty from a young age. When I was growing up, I was definitely never the most confident kid on the playground. Ever since I was in kindergarten, I was told I was the "smart girl." While this helped my intelligence shine through in the classroom, it negatively impacted how I perceived others viewing me and, more importantly, how I viewed myself - especially when I started to become interested in dating.

For awhile, I relied on the boys I liked to make me feel beautiful, confident and in love with myself. In middle school I developed a quick succession of crushes, who I fell hard for fast - even though many of them had never spoken to me in real life, and never really knew I existed. Basically, whenever these guys liked me back - which was almost never - I felt good about myself; whenever they didn't, I cried for a week before moving onto the next one.

This problem really came to a head in high school, when one of my best friends (who I've now realized has been quite a toxic person at certain points in my life) told me I was "intimidating" to boys. That was the first time I ever considered toning down my passions for a guy I was interested in.

That spring, me and that same friend "fought" over an older guy who was on tech crew for the school play I had a supporting role in. I found myself making unhealthy comparisons to that friend, who was generally considered the most conventionally "pretty" of our friend group. Those comparisons have been damaging to our friendship in the long term - even now, it's still a sore spot for me whenever she fishes for compliments or asks someone to give their advice on an outfit she's wearing. Looking back, no guy was worth that amount of trouble - especially not this particular guy - but I still attribute that moment in time to the moment I affixed my self-worth to the people I dated.

In the end, that guy became my first boyfriend and, in a way, my first "victory" over my pretty and popular friend. The good news was that in that moment, I realized I didn't have to be anything but myself to "convince" someone to like me. The bad news was that he solidified that my self-worth still depended on what guys thought of my appearance, not on who I was as a person.

When he called me beautiful, I felt valuable and fulfilled as a person in a way I really hadn't before. That relationship made me feel older and more mature somehow: after all, in middle school, guys said they liked you; in high school, guys said you were beautiful. What I hadn't really come to understand yet, however, was what you had to trade to move into these more "mature" relationships.

In middle school, relationships were just these elevated friendships with a different label on them (which, as an adult, I've found are the best kind of romantic attachments!), but in high school, they suddenly became much more complicated. Because on top of discovering our romantic feelings for the opposite sex (or whoever you might be attracted to), we also began to discover our bodies, our sexuality and all the complex, frustrating emotions that came along with those discoveries.

The thought of sex as leverage in a relationship never really entered my mind until I found out, from an acquaintance at a high school football game, that my then-boyfriend had been spreading rumors about our sexual relationship. We hadn't even "done" anything, but he was telling the entire soccer team that we were already having sex. Of course, to a teenage boy, this might not seem like such a big deal - maybe even more like an accomplishment or a popularity point than anything else - but to girls, who are disproportionately subject to social constructs like slut-shaming, this type of rumor can ruin a previously-untarnished reputation.

People already thought I was a slut for dating someone two years older than me (in adulthood, this may not seem like such a big deal - but in high school, those two years meant a lot, to my parents and my peers alike), but as a freshman in high school, the sex rumor sent that characterization through the roof.

I was angry. I was disappointed. I was hurt. My ex had so clearly betrayed my trust and belittled me - worst of all, without even knowing it.

And yet all I remember from the moment I found out about that rumor was crying. Not confronting him; not having the courage to break myself out of that destructive relationship. Just crying - and then, not too long after, forgiving him for what he had done, convincing myself that my sadness was somehow "my fault": the byproduct of a silly and complicated misunderstanding. He had damaged my trust of him beyond repair - and yet, because I attached my self-worth to him, I simply didn't have the strength to let go of what I saw as the source of my inner confidence and strength.

Just to be clear about how I feel now looking back, "misunderstandings" don't cause destructive rumors to fly, reputations to dissolve and slut shaming to run rampant. Whether or not the initial rumor was caused by a misunderstanding, it was certainly no misunderstanding that my then-boyfriend did nothing to correct the hurtful rumor.

Instead, the rumor ran its full course, dying out as most rumors do. By the time I graduated high school, I don't think anyone but me still remembered the "slutty" picture that had been painted of me that day - yet that negative characterization still lingers somewhere within me, continuing to wage war against my self-confidence even today.

I wish I could say I ended the relationship then and there, but it wasn't until two years later, in the spring of my junior year of high school - just before I started dating Ryan, actually - that I finally gathered up the strength to break it off. I blamed our long-distance relationship (he'd gone away to college by that point), but in reality, I think the relationship had just been draining my happiness, confidence and self-love for way too long. After all, when you believe that no one else could love you but the person standing in front of you, you're compelled to make desperate choices that don't necessarily reflect your true values.

Two years out of that relationship, I now realize the importance of loving yourself before loving anyone else. I was alone for a full month before I got together with Ryan - which may not seem like long for some, but to me, this was the longest I had ever been alone since middle school. During that month, I explored my passions, my interests, and my personality to an extent I'd never had the opportunity to do before.

For so long, I'd been so consumed by chasing after boys that I'd never even thought about what I could accomplish if I put my free time to good use. Yet, it was during that month that I took the first step in what has turned out to be a monumental life change for me, something that I still feel passionate about today: I started my first blog.

Ever since, blogging (not boys) has been my lifeline during difficult moments in my life. For example, my last blog, Love, Haley, was an important resource for me as I was just discovering my history of anxiety and depression. Instead of making me codependent on Ryan to improve my self-esteem, it actually forced me to channel my negative emotions into something positive and beautiful.

I'm not going to act like everything is perfect or wonderful 100% of the time now. In fact, I wouldn't say that a single day goes by without me having doubts or feelings of self-consciousness about the way I act or the way I look. My anxiety still gets to me; I still have moments of self-deprecation and self-loathing - but I try to battle through them with self-love as my ultimate weapon.

Because of this, my relationship with Ryan is healthier and stronger than any anxious attachment I ever had before I met him <3 And yes, while I still wake up every day thinking how lucky I am to have him, I also wake up every day, look at myself in the mirror and tell myself "I love you" out loud.

+ How You Can Strive For Self-Love, Too!

Hopefully, you all noticed that above, I used the phrase "strive for self-love" instead of "learn to love yourself" or "love yourself NOW." I just wanted to clear this up so that I don't get negative feedback on the title of this post, "Ways to Love Yourself Right Now.

Truthfully, while the title I chose for this post conveys what I hoped it would convey - which is that it's easy to start loving yourself - it doesn't do nearly enough justice to how slow and not-at-all-radical the process of converting to self-love truly is. 

So, here's the real truth behind learning to love yourself "right now": self-love is a process, and it doesn't happen instantaneously. Instead, it's a practice you slowly adopt, little by little, over time. 

Sadly, I also don't think that pure, unadulterated self-love can ever truly exist. Unfortunately, we all grew up in a society that values our looks, that attaches our value to the amount of fat on our hips and tells us we need beauty, popularity and a man at our side to truly achieve the American Dream. When we're consciously and unconsciously surrounded by these negative messages 24/7, it's impossible to expect that we will never have bad days. 

Put simply, there's always going to be a day that you log onto Instagram and see someone who seems more pretty/more happy/more skinny/more in love/more insert-adjective-here than you (that's why I've sworn off my personal Instagram for good - now, I 'Gram for blog business, and blog business only!), or a day that you look in the mirror and don't feel comfortable with what you see. 

That being said, I hope this post will teach you ways to transform not just the way you treat yourself, but also the way you view self-love in general. Instead of a promise never to deal with negative emotions or bad self-image ever again, I challenge you to look at self-love as a commitment to try. 

You don't have to look in the mirror and love every part of your body right away. You don't have to leave your otherwise-happy relationship because it's the "feminist" thing to do (*insert sarcasm font here* you know, just like loving yourself!) or go through a radical spiritual, physical or mental transformation, like starting therapy or getting a boob job or going to confession to profess all the ways you've done your body wrong. All you have to do is promise yourself that you're going to try to love yourself a little bit louder, a little bit more unconditionally, a little more deeply than you did the day before. 

Put that way, it doesn't seem so hard now, does it? :) So, now that you've decided to take the first plunge by committing yourself to self-love, you might be wondering, where do I start? 

The bad news is that the beginning of your self-love journey is always the hardest part - even though I've been working on it for some time now, I still consider myself new to the practice of self-love. On the other hand, the good news is that you're still at the beginning of your self-love journey: no one expects you to become an expert overnight, least of all me! 

However, if you know you're committed to self-love and want to try some easy ways to love yourself a little more deeply today, here are my 12 tips for spreading a little loving kindness to yourself right now:

1. Practice saying "I love you" to yourself in the mirror every morning.

I mentioned that this is something I started doing after I met Ryan. In reality, I only started adopting this practice very recently, after listening to a body-positive podcast by the fabulous Summer Innanen. Telling yourself "I love you" out loud is actually a very cunning way to sneak a little self-love into your day. Even if you don't believe yourself at first or feel a little silly saying "I love you" in the mirror out loud, you're actually working to "fake it 'til you make it" - in other words, convincing yourself that you love yourself, even when you might feel self-deprecation or doubt.

2. Set aside 15-20 minutes for self-care every night.

It might seem obvious, but sometimes, when we get so busy and caught up in our days at school, work and home - whether our night consists of checking blog e-mails on the couch or putting three young children to bed - we forget to practice the simple act of self-care. So, before you crawl into bed at night, no matter how tired you are, set aside a little bit of time to wind down whatever way you like to do. Whether it's enjoying a glass of rose and a hot bath or spending 15 minutes re-reading a favorite novel, customize your self-care routine to reflect all the ways that you like to relax and rejuvenate after a long day.

3. Establish a routine based on your priorities - and don't let anything stand in your way! 

Whew, that was a long one! But, the point I'm trying to make is this: once you identify what your priorities are, actually start prioritizing them. We all know that what we say we're going to do and what we actually do are two very different things - so, here's the first step toward making them one in the same: first, make a long list of everything you do in a day. Then, make a similar list - only, instead of writing everything you actually do in a day, jot down all the things you wish you did; the things you'd do on your perfect day. Finally, compare the lists and adjust your schedule accordingly. Obviously, be realistic - you still need to go to work even if it's not your favorite place in the world. However, if you realize you dread going to work THAT much, maybe it's a sign you need to make a lifestyle change for your own health and happiness!

4. Ask yourself what changes you'd make if you loved yourself more - and do one of them RIGHT NOW!

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Oh, I'll take a hot yoga class once I lose ten pounds" or "Oh, I'll flirt with that hot guy as soon as I get over my ex"? Well, how would you feel if you just did that thing NOW, instead of postponing it until you meet some abstract and ridiculous criteria? Though it might feel a little bit uncomfortable at first, shedding your inhibitions and taking a leap of faith will show you that you don't have to wait to become the best possible version of yourself - you're already there!

5. Practice gratitude every. Single. Day.

I could spend forever ranting about the research studies that have been done about the practice of gratitude and how it's linked to our health and happiness, yada yada yada...BUT that wouldn't be interesting for anyone, least of all me! We've all seen those studies, and we all know it's good for us - yet whether secretly or not-so-secretly, I think we're all kind of afraid to start because we're worried we won't have anything good to write about. Honestly, though - as soon as you start to think outside yourself and realize all the wonderful things the world has to offer, you'll start to focus more on experiencing the joys that life has to offer, rather than ruminating on your worst qualities or the thickness of your thighs. Much like a successful relationship or the opportunity of a lifetime, you'll attract the most self-love into your life when you forget about self-love altogether, and simply focus on enjoying life.

6. Start a 2017 Vision Board on Pinterest.

People love to say "You have the same number of hours in a day as Beyonce" - but the difference between me and Beyonce is that Beyonce doesn't waste two hours a day staring at her flab in the mirror! She gets sh*t done instead. So, if you don't like the way you look, speak, act, think, are, then one of the best things I think you can do is refocus your energy and drive elsewhere. One way to inspire yourself to hop into action is to start a 2017 Vision Board on Pinterest (and follow me @haleymarieblog so I can encourage you!). Literally just pin whatever sets your heart on fire - whatever you can't stop thinking about doing, seeing, dreaming, achieving. Don't worry about whether that trip to Barcelona is out of reach, or if you really are capable of starting your own YouTube channel; just pin it. Then, once you do, consider it already done - as if simply by pinning that picture, the Universe is already working its magic on your dreams! 

7. Stop putting things off just because they scare you.

Ending my first serious relationship. Committing to a college. Declaring a double-major. Signing up for sorority rush. That's a brief (and incomplete) list of all the things I've procrastinated on in my life, simply because I was afraid of the outcome. For the longest time, I was scared to make a binding decision on where I went to college, ending my relationship, or paying to go through rush because I was absolutely terrified that I would regret my decision. The problem was, I assumed I didn't know what was best for myself because I didn't believe in myself. However, as soon as I worked up the courage to do it, I realized that I was SO much more capable and decisive than I gave myself credit for! Simply making the decision (and sticking with it) made me feel a thousand times more confident - and I promise you will feel the same way, as soon as you make like Nike and JUST DO IT!

8. Dress the part.

Okay, so I know a large part of what I just said told you to focus on how you feel, rather than how you look - but forget all of that! (Not really, but still.) My point is that the way you look does matter for your self-confidence. If you're hiding behind baggy clothes all the time, neglecting your appearance (as in not showering or putting on makeup because "What's the point?"),  or dressing in a way that reflects how you want others to see you (rather than wearing what you really like), then the way you look is a sign of poor self-confidence. Whether consciously or subconsciously, when you look at yourself in the mirror wearing clothes that don't suit your body or personality, you notice, and it makes you feel bad about yourself. So, wear things that make you feel good in the body you're in right now. For example: love crop tops on Taylor Swift, but think your stomach is "too flabby" to pull it off? Go to Forever 21 and buy one anyways! Love bright colors, but constantly wear gray so you can "blend in" to the crowd? Go put on your pinkest lipstick and OWN IT! When you feel good in what you're wearing, others will notice, too - and, in turn, that will build your self-confidence without you even realizing.  

9. Take care of your physical body.

As cliche as it sounds, your body is a temple. When you eat right, treat yourself in moderation and exercise regularly, you're sending that temple a sign of respect. When you think about it that way, it comes as no surprise that people who starve, purge or binge often have underlying issues with confidence and self-esteem. If you don't like your body, you won't treat your body right - it's that simple. So, rather than worrying about loving the way your body looks, work backwards and focus on treating your body right first. 

10. Fake it 'til you make it. 

If you've seen Amy Cuddy's TED Talk "Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are," you know they importance of faking it 'til you make it, and how quickly striking a power pose can elevate your mood. When you don't feel confident in yourself, it can be difficult to push past difficult feelings about who you are, what you look like or your achievements. However, sometimes, putting on some lipgloss, putting your hands on your hips and faking a smile is all it takes to start feeling better now. Even if it doesn't help right away or you feel silly at first, you'll quickly find that the more you practice feeling confident, the more confident you'll actually start to feel.

11. Ask yourself what a (loving) friend, partner or family member would say.

As someone who suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I know how easy it can be to fall into negative thinking traps about your body, your personality, that random mistake you made last week - you name it; I've probably worried about it! Unfortunately, chronic worrying consumes a lot of energy, energy that could easy be conserved with a little self-confidence. One trick I've learned for boosting confidence and minimizing worry is to combat your worries by asking yourself what a loving friend, partner or family member would say about them. For example, if you told your best friend or significant other "I feel fat today," they might respond by saying "Stop it; you're not fat - you're beautiful!" Learning to reframe your worries really helps you shift your perspective, because after seeing how much your friends and family love and respect you, it starts to feel silly putting yourself down all the time!

12. Literally, make a list of reasons why you love yourself.

Want to really learn how to love yourself right now? Find a blank notebook, small enough to fit in your backpack, purse or desk. Then, start filling it with reasons why you love yourself (or, if you're having a hard time thinking of any, reasons why you could love yourself or reasons why others love you). Don't worry if the reasons are "good" enough - just write! Carry that notebook with you wherever you go, so you can add more reasons as you think of them and refer back to them whenever you feel insecure. Most importantly, never consider your list complete no matter how long it gets. There is always a new reason to love yourself every single day!

Want more self-love strategies from Haley Marie? Sign up for my monthly newsletter!

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship (Feat. My Boyfriend)

Hello, beautiful! Whether your spring semester just started or you've been back at school for a couple of weeks now, I hope you're adjusting to life on campus and enjoying your spring semester. Or, if there's parts of leaving home that are hard for you, hang in there, because I totally relate!

When I left to go back to BU after my monthlong break, the hardest part of leaving home was leaving Ryan behind. We just got so used to spending every minute together (besides when he was working or sleeping) that adjusting to life without him has made me miss him times a thousand.

Even so, I've always appreciated the beauty of our long-distance relationship. The longer I'm apart from him, the more I miss him - and the more we have to talk about, because we aren't always together.

Some days, I get caught up in doing something incredible - whether it's for the paper or in preparation for sorority recruitment - for so long that I feel fine on my own. Other times, I find myself missing him so much that I feel like I need to see him, hold his hand, or even just hear his voice just to get through the rest of my day. I guess the saying really is true: absence makes the heart grow fonder!

My point is that there's something beautiful and special about long-distance relationships that truly helps you to appreciate what a great love you have. However, that isn't to say that long-distance relationships are always easy, breezy, beautiful. They come with their own unique set of challenges, whether it's that you miss out on physical touch (which is a major struggle for us, since that's one of Ryan's most prominent love languages - more about that later!) or have to settle conflicts over text.

Today, I wanted to share some of the most valuable lessons I've learned as one-half of a long-distance relationship - and I also have a special surprise!

For the first time ever, Ryan has agreed to (finally) let me show him off on the blog. So, I asked him a bunch of fun Q&A questions as a fun way for you guys to get to know him! I couldn't be more excited that I'm finally getting to introduce y'all to the man of my dreams <3

Tip #1: Never Go To Bed Angry

Okay, so even I have to admit that this piece of wisdom is often overused - but I continue to quote it to death anyways, simply because it's just SO true. I really, truly, honestly try to live by this principle every day in my relationship with Ryan. Whether our relationship problem is a small one or a big one, I always strive to talk it out and have it fixed by the time my head hits the pillow at night.

Sometimes, I think it's tempting to go to bed angry just to get an escape from the uncomfortable emotions and rhetoric surrounding the problem. Especially as an anxious person, I often fall into the thinking trap of believing that I'll instantly feel better as soon as I can just get away from the conflict. However, as much as we'd like to believe that our problems will dissolve as soon as we fall asleep, we won't necessarily wake up feeling any less angry or resentful. Time heals all wounds eventually - NOT within 24 hours - so it's much healthier and more efficient to talk it out rather than just "sleep on it."

Tip #2: Talk Every Night

Something new that Ryan and I have just started doing is rather than text constantly all night, we try to have a quick five-to-ten minute conversation over the phone every day. This was a serious compromise for us, since I like to talk on the phone whereas he'd rather text if given the choice, so I'm happy that he agreed to try this idea out! 

So far, I love it because it means I get to hear his voice every day, which is something I really miss when I'm not at home. To me, talking on the phone with your partner is one of those little things that allows you to recapture a little bit of the magic of being with them in person. I find that having a good, old-fashioned conversation over the phone makes me feel closer to Ryan than just shooting him a text. Plus, I especially love that we can wind up having much longer, more intellectual conversations than we would be if we were just mindlessly texting while doing homework. 

So, if you're in a long-distance relationship, I would definitely advocate for trying to talk a little bit every night. Even if you can only manage five or ten minutes like we do, it really makes a difference in restoring some of that special intimacy between you and your partner!

Tip #3: Learn Your Love Language

If you haven't heard of the Five Love Languages already, definitely take the quiz and find out which love languages you and your partner "speak!" Basically, the Five Love Languages is a book
by Gary Chapman, and the idea behind the book is that everyone communicates love using a different "language." So, if your partner's love language is Physical Touch, they might communicate love through hugging or kissing. Or, if your partner's love language is Acts of Service, then they might show you love by doing the dishes or filling your car up with gas.

It's always helpful to know your partner's love language (not to mention your own!), but it's especially important when you're in a long-distance relationship. After all, if your partner speaks a different "love language" than you, you might not recognize that they're showing love even when they are. If you know what love language they speak, then you can look out for ways that they show you love in their own special way.

Tip #4: Focus on the Positive

When you're in a fight with a partner in any type of relationship, whether you're long-distance or married or living together or dating, it's easy to focus on all the other times they've screwed up before. Whenever I fight with Ryan, suddenly it's like my rosy glasses come off. I realize our relationship is NOT perfect, which - though it may be true -  soon leads me to catastrophize about all the other reasons why we shouldn't be together.

It's easy to get carried away by this kind of thinking when you're upset. The problem is that in hyper-focusing on all the things that are wrong with your relationship leads you to forget all of the wonderful things that make you so great together! So, when me and Ryan get into a fight, rather than fall into a downward spiral of remembering all our past fights and hanging on every last insecurity, I try to focus on the positive. I think about all the things I like about him, from his cute smile to his goofy sense of humor, and all the reasons we're a great couple, like our communication and our shared passions (for food and dogs, of course...).

Tip #5: Always Say I Love You and Always Text Goodnight

This could seem like a really obvious one, since it's so important to do this no matter what situation you and your partner are in - but when you're in a long-distance relationship, I think it's especially important to always do these two things! Saying "I love you" and "Good night" seem like such little things, but when your partner is far away from you, the little things are often what you miss the most. 

Whether the distance between you is 10,000 miles or just 20, I truly think that simply hearing "I love you" can make any amount of distance feel like none at all!  When you or your partner are having a rough day, it helps to know that you can always look forward to those three little words or that good night text to get you through it all. Just knowing that you still have your partner's love and support, and having that reminder be the last thing you see before you go to sleep at night, helps you feel more secure in your relationship, even when the distance makes it seem like you're on rocky ground.

* * * 

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: it's time to meet my boyfriend!

Before I hand the mic over to Ryan and let him take it away from here, he asked me to write him a quick introduction, since he's shy and doesn't like to write much himself. So, here's what you all need to know about my boyfriend:

Me and Ry (yes, I call him Ry) have been together for almost two years. We grew up a little less than a mile apart from each other, but never really crossed paths until high school. We met each other in art class when I was a junior and he was a senior. I like to tease him about how he was seriously friend-zoned for the first half of that year (I was coming to the end of a really bad relationship at the time), but in reality, I couldn't be more happy that we got together - and I hope he'd say the same about me :)

Ryan is a criminal justice major who juggles online and night classes with a loaded work week. He currently works at a bank in our hometown, and might be getting promoted to full-time employee soon! (Fingers crossed...) He's also hoping to get an apartment, which we both couldn't be more excited about, since it would mean I'd get to stay with him and we could have fun slumber parties where we eat Cheetos on the couch (mmm, fake cheese flavor) and cuddle with the pet lizard he hopes to get once he moves out. 

I could blabber all day about Ryan, how much I love him, and how proud I am of his career aspirations..but to keep that from happening, I turned to Ryan and asked him to answer a bunch of questions for me (some serious, some silly) so you guys could hear straight from the source himself. TBH, I've been trying to get him to let me feature him on the blog for what feels like forever now - and somehow, this time, I finally succeeded! 

Rather than following the boyfriend tag, I chose to ask him my own set of questions, so it might seem a little bit random at times. However, I hope you guys enjoy this special peek into him and our relationship, and that our special love for one another truly comes across! 

Ryan's Answers


What's your astrological sign and do you feel like it describes you?

My astrological sign is that of Gemini. I would say it has a pretty close description of me. I'm easily distracted and easily fascinated, and also curious, adaptable and always ready to have a fun time.

Since you love movies, what must-see movies would you recommend to my readers?

Gran Torino, 28 Days Later, Reservoir Dogs, and Spotlight.

What are your three favorite things about me?

Your nose, your persistence (though that can go both ways), and your intellect.

[Say it with me now: AWWWW!]

What's the best memory you have of us?

Our first Valentine's Day :)

What is your LEAST favorite food?

My least favorite food would have to be an avocado. They're texturally disgusting, and the hype people make over them makes them worse than they actually are.

If you had a boat, what would you name it?

Row vs. Wade...literally I just Googled boat names.


Cats or dogs?

You can answer this one, Haley.

[It's dogs, y'all.]

Pancakes or waffles?

None of the above - I prefer hotcakes. They're just better...

Hugs or kisses?


Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day?

Valentine's Day, even though I'm a large percent Irish.

Money, fame, or power?

Power - with power comes money and fame. (Might be infamy, but it's still fame!)

Want more relationship tips from Haley Marie? Sign up for my monthly newsletter!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Winter Beauty Routine

Hello, beautiful! For those of you who haven't heard, I'm back at BU after my month-long break. Though it's been difficult getting back into the daily grind of things, I'm really starting to appreciate having a daily routine again after weeks of never knowing how to structure my day.

Without school, I didn't have much of a structure to my day. So, while I was at home, I started creating morning and nighttime routines to help make my days a little more predictable.

One thing I got really good about while I was at home was finally starting to fall into a weekly beauty routine! When I moved away to college, I stopped taking such great care of my hair, skin and body. When I would get home after a long night of work, classes, reading, and the paper, I would barely have the energy to slather soap on my face, let alone follow any of my other typical beauty rituals.

However, now that I'm back at BU, I'm loving how great my hair and skin look and feel after weeks of taking care of myself! In fact, I look and feel so amazing that this semester, I've vowed to stick to the same beauty routine I used at home as much as possible. No matter how tired I am, I want to take the time to pamper myself day and night so I can view myself with confidence again!

By now, you're probably curious about what my beauty routine actually is - so, are you ready to see what's got me looking and feeling so incredible? Let me show you all the squeaky-clean details!


In the morning at school, I vary between waking up ten minutes before class and thirty-to-sixty minutes before class. So, depending on how late I am, I might just wash and moisturize my face before throwing my hair in a topknot - or, I might go all out with my hair, skin, and beauty routine.

First, to wash my face, I'm currently using the Too Cool for School Egg Cream Soap. This product is really cool because it's somewhere between a foam and a mousse, kind of like the texture of shaving cream. I like the way it feels when I slather it onto my skin, and I think it does a great job of extracting all of the dirt and grime from my face with just a few simple ingredients!

After I wash my face, I might throw a little acne spot treatment on any blemishes I'm fighting, or preventatively on any places where it looks like I might break out. I use the 12% benzoyl peroxide treatment from Target; however, I try to use it sparingly, because it's prescription strength and tends to make my combination skin a little flaky when used in excess!

Finally, I finish off with a simple moisturizer. As I mentioned, I have combination oily-dry skin, so while a lot of my skincare routine is focused on fighting acne, it's also about replenishing all the moisture that acne treatments strip from your skin. So, especially because the winter is harsh on my skin, I like to use a rich cream rather than a light or acne-treating moisturizer to replenish all that lost moisture from my skin. 

Currently, I'm in love with the Pond's Dry Skin Cream Facial Moisturizer. It's a hydrating product, but never leaves my skin feeling greasy. I love that I can feel it feeding my skin as soon as I put it on!

Usually when I'm going to class, I don't do much as far as hair and makeup go. However, one product that's always a staple in my life is the Garnier Fructis Curl Renew Reactivating Milk Spray. I have naturally wavy hair, but when I sleep on wet hair at night, it tends to make the texture more frizzy than defined. So, I like to replenish my waves with this curl renew spray every morning before I leave for school! I almost always wear my hair down, but when I don't, then usually it means I've thrown my hair up in a lazy topknot or ponytail because I'm not feeling too great.

Finally, if it's a weekend and I'm going to see Ryan, I'll put a little more effort into my routine by curling my hair with my Vidal Sassoon 1/2 in. curling iron. I heat up the curling iron on high because my hair is thick and wrap small 1-in sections around it away from my face. Then, I finish off with the Curl Renew Spray and comb through the curls with my fingers, for a more natural look rather than a "styled" one.

For makeup, I like to start with e.l.f.'s Complete Coverage Concealer palette on my under-eye area and any blemishes I might have. Usually, this involves me mixing the shades together for a custom color and then dabbing it on with my fingers. Under my eye area, I also try to apply concealer in more of an inverted triangle than a curve, since this gives it a more natural, blended appearance.

Then, I move onto stippling the Maybelline Fit Me! Matte Poreless Foundation in Natural Ivory (probably the palest shade, since I'm white as a ghost...and that's on a good day) onto my face with a foundation brush. 

For blush and bronzer, I'm using the e.l.f. Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder in St. Lucia, which I've heard is a perfect dupe for NARS Orgasm! I don't like a heavy contour, so usually I apply blush upwards from my cheekbones toward my temples, then apply bronzer right underneath that inside the hollow of my cheeks. Like I said, I like a more natural look! 

Brows typically come next. Right now I'm using the Touch in Sol Browza Super Proof Gel Brow Pencil in Choc it Up. I fill in my eyebrows with this pencil using tiny little strokes so they look like hairs, then blot with a tissue. (Sometimes, I use the Anastasia Clear Brow Gel on top just to finish it off, but most of the time I skip this step.)

Most of the time I'd skip straight to mascara. Lately, however, I've been obsessed with my Too Faced Natural Eyes eyeshadow palette. I always look forward to using it when I put on makeup! To start, I apply the shade Silk Teddy (a shimmery champagne shadow) all over my eyelid, from lash line to eyebrow. Then, I contour in my crease with Push-Up and add a touch of Erotica at the corners. Finally, I use the shade Heaven in the exact center of my eyelid and just below my brows to highlight and brighten. 

Then, lastly, I blend with my Sephora eyeshadow brush and apply a liquid liner in a subtle cat eye shape. I used to use (and love) the Milani eyeliner, but I recently left the cap off mine and it dried out - don't you just hate when that happens? So, since I've been loving e.l.f.'s affordable products lately, I picked up their liquid liner. I haven't tried it yet, but can't wait to see how well it works!

To finish off my eyes, I curl my eyelashes using my Sephora eyelash curler. I love my eyelash curler for it's unique shape...you can read all about it in my Day in My Life Post from back in December! Then, after I curl my lashes, I apply several thick coats of BareMinerals' Lash Domination mascara.

My final step in my makeup process is lips. I start off with a simple chapstick - usually whatever's lying in my purse, or some Vaseline - and then top it off with Bite Beauty's Lush Fruit Lipgloss in Raisin (which I guess has been renamed Rambutan, at least from what I can tell online? Someone please update me on this!). I've had this lip gloss for almost a year and a half, but it's only started to become a holy grail product for me quite recently! Now, I don't know what I'd do without it.

So, whether I've thrown my hair in a topknot and run out to class or gone full out with my curling iron and Lush Fruit Lipgloss, this is where my morning beauty routine ends: with a quick spritz of perfume! Currently, I'm using the Bath and Body Works Ultra Fine Fragrance Mist in Magic in the Air. This smell was SO attractive to me that I just had to buy it during their semi-annual sale! I had literally NEVER smelled anything I loved so much before in my life.

So, now, onto my night routine...


The very first thing I've started doing at night happens about thirty minutes to an hour before I decide to hop in the shower, and that's take off my makeup. (Though if I go to the gym, this step may happen earlier or later in the day - it's SO important to wash off your makeup before working out so you don't trap all those sweat and toxins beneath your foundation!)

I love wearing makeup during the day, but hate letting it sit on my face at night, so I typically wipe it off with a grapefruit-scented cleansing wipe from Target. Wipes are great because they feed my inner laziness, so they encourage me to make sure all my makeup comes off before bedtime, yet only require minimal effort!

Also, I recently rediscovered my love of coconut oil, so I simply take my jar of refined coconut oil (I think I just got this at the Christmas Tree Shops, but honestly I've had it so long I don't even remember), melt it down in the microwave, and run a healthy amount through my ends. This treatment is simple, natural, and great for hydrating your hair before you hop in the shower!

When I'm ready to take my shower, I throw on my little flip flops (shower shoes are so important! Protect your feet from communicable diseases!) and take my shower caddy into the bathroom for a little TLC. 

Usually, I take care of my skin first. I've only very recently started using my Clarisonic again, which was a gift from last Christmas, but I remembered how much I loved it and decided to charge it up! I usually only use this at night because twice a day is a little harsh (and, honestly, labor-intensive) for my routine; however, I love the way it leaves my skin feeling so silky, soft and exfoliated after!

With my Clarisonic Mia 2, I use a little bit of the Target Apricot Scrub (which is basically a perfect dupe of the St. Ives one...St. Ives is my favorite, but I'm unfortunately living that cheap college life, if ya know what I mean). I go for the brightening one rather than the acne-fighting one, since all that benzoyl peroxide isn't too good for combination dry skin - however, if your skin is super oily, I would 10 out of 10 recommend the acne scrub, too! So, anyways, I squeeze that onto the brush and turn it on, then allow the Clarisonic to work its magic! 

After, I rinse my face and pat it dry. (Early in life I learned that you're never supposed to rub your face with a towel, as it's very harsh and can redden and damage your skin, especially if it's dry and flaky already!) Then, I'll use the 12% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment if I haven't already - I try only to use this once a day so it doesn't dry out my skin - and follow up with a moisturizer. Again, Pond's Dry Skin Cream is my go-to at all times of day! 

That pretty much finishes up my face routine, so now onto the shower. In the shower, I start by washing the coconut oil out of my hair with a little shampoo and a LOT of conditioner. I currently use the Garnier Fructis Grow Strong shampoo and conditioner, not only because it strengthens and lengthens my hair (which I am really trying to grow out long again), but also because I love, love, love the scent! 

Usually, I only wash my hair once with shampoo, but I often apply conditioner two to three times to really work out all the tangles in my hair....especially when I wear it in a topknot, because the ends get SUPER frazzled!

After that, I'll shave all the areas that need shavin' with my Venus razor and a little Target shaving cream. I only really use shaving cream on my legs; for my underarms and other delicate areas, the hydrating strip on the razor does the trick. (Plus, as a side note, my gynecologist actually advised me not to use shaving cream "down there," since my skin is so sensitive! It went against all the advice I'd ever heard EVER, but stopping using irritating products like shaving cream really helped me with the chronic yeast infection-like symptoms I'd been having for months.)

Ahem. That being said, now that I'm done shaving, I finish up by washing my body with the St. Ives Even and Bright Pink Lemon and Mandarin Orange Body Wash. This body wash has little particles that gently exfoliate your skin - plus the scent is so bright and so fresh! On the occasions that I shower in the morning, I find that the sheer smell really just does the trick to get me waking up and out of bed in the morning.

Since I'm in a dorm, when my shower is over, I have to bundle up in a towel and walk on over to a bathroom stall to get dressed. While I'm in there, I take a little body lotion and Vaseline with me for the road. 

Before I put my clothes on, I like to start by applying Vaseline anywhere that needs extra-special attention. For example, I like to put Vaseline on things like razor burn and ingrown hairs to keep my clothing from rubbing against them and irritating them. This time of year, too, because I am often sick, I also tend to put Vaseline on my nose to keep tissues from irritating it. Finally, I use the last of the Vaseline on my fingers on my lips as a quick and easy lip moisturizer! Honestly, is there anything Vaseline isn't good for?

Finally, I slather on a healthy dose of body lotion - Bath and Body Works Ultra Shea Body Cream in Warm Vanilla Sugar is the best - get dressed, and head back to my room to finish out my night. 

Once in my room, I brush out my hair and spritz a little bit of the OGX Coconut Oil Weightless Hydrating Oil Mist on my ends from afar, just to give it a little bit of extra moisture and shine. Then, I take out my contacts, put on my glasses, and finish out my night feeling pampered and amazing! 


Speaking of pampering, once or twice a week, I like to get REALLY fancy with it and give my skin a little bit of extra TLC. 

One way I easily do this is by throwing on a CVS charcoal pore strip (a dupe for Biore) to remove any blackheads from my nose. If your nose is super dry and irritated from the wintertime, I seriously would NOT recommend this treatment - ouch! But, if you tend to get oil trapped in the little nooks and crannies around your nose (like I do), this treatment will really help you to clean out all the muck that's hiding inside your pores. The best part is that it's SO quick and easy: you just put on a pore strip while you study, wait for it to dry, and take it off when you're done! 

Another thing I like to do is use a sheet mask. For Christmas, I got a sheet mask set by Too Cool For School. All of their masks are super hydrating and always leave my skin feeling moist and soft. Plus, if you suffer from sensitive skin or skin irritation, the masks are always cool and soothing when I put them on, so I imagine they would be great for chilling red or irritated skin! 

Finally, if I'm not in the mood for a sheet mask, I go for my Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Ultra Cleansing Mud Mask. This mask is one of my absolute holy grail skin care products! For a mud mask, it's not super dark colored or messy, it has a light citrusy scent, and even gives you that tingly feeling in your pores so you know it's doing its job right! Whenever I take this mask off, I just always feel so happy, glowing, and refreshed. I feel like people can really see the difference in my skin...or, maybe it's just me. Who cares? I still look and feel incredible when I'm done!

So, those are the ways that, as a busy college student, I take care of my skin, hair, and body throughout my week. What's your beauty and pampering routine look like compared to mine? Are there any holy grail products I need to get my hands on? Let me know in the comments below! 

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

How to Prepare for a Double-Major

Hello, beautiful - and welcome back to Haley Marie blog!

Since today is my official first day of classes here at BU, I wanted to celebrate with a post about academic life in college. Thanks to everyone who voted in my Twitter poll (if you're not already following me on Twitter, you can find me @haleymarieblog!), I decided that I would tell you all a little bit about my double major and share my best tips for preparing for a double major your freshman year.

As many of you know, I am a freshman entering her second semester at Boston University. Unofficially, I'm planning to double-major in Journalism and Political Science, though technically you can't declare here until the second semester of your sophomore year.

My double major has presented a lot of challenges as I've adjusted to life in college. For example, it means there are stricter gen. ed. requirements I have to meet before I can take classes pertaining to my major, since my dual degree means I'm technically enrolled in two colleges. I also just learned this year that I have to start meeting with an advisor from both schools every time I register for classes, which has turned out to be a lot trickier than one would think!

Freshman year has had its ups and downs as far as balancing my two majors has gone, but personally, I think I made it out of my first semester pretty well! So, today I'm going to share with you a few of the lessons I learned from my first few months at school about how you can prepare for a double-major your freshman year of college.

1. Meet with an Academic Advisor

This might seem straightforward to those of you who have been in college awhile, but for freshmen, this tip might not be the most obvious thing in the world. After all, in high school, you were probably used to having guidance counselors who called you down against your will to talk about your future plans - and, well, college just isn't like that! 

Instead of being called down to meet with an advisor or matched with someone for all four years of high school, you typically have to schedule an appointment with them. If you're double-majoring, you might even have to meet with an advisor from more than one college - for example, I meet with someone from BU's College of Communication and College of Arts and Sciences. 

While taking the initiative to schedule that first appointment might seem a little bit scary when you're new to the process, you really need to meet with an advisor to make sure you're on the right track to meet all your majors' requirements. Whereas in high school you could only register for classes with a guidance counselor's approval, in college you're pretty much on your own as far as registration goes. So, it's important to meet with an advisor to make sure that you know what classes you need to take in order to graduate with both those degrees on time! 

2. Knock Out the Worst Requirements First

Unfortunately, most colleges don't just let you dive into taking the fun classes related to your major right away. Typically, you have to suffer through a bunch of general ed requirements before you can start learning about the things you're truly passionate about. Not to mention that if you're double-majoring, you might even have more requirements to meet than the average college student.

My best advice where general ed requirements are concerned is to "eat the frog," so to speak. If you haven't heard that phrase before, "eating the frog" pretty much means getting the worst parts out of the way first. In this case, that means trying to take most - if not all! - of your gen. ed. requirements as a freshman or sophomore, so all you're left with your junior and senior years is easy, breezy major requirements. 

I think this is especially true if there is a particular class you're dreading needing to take! For example, my school requires me to take Statistics - and as someone majoring in the humanities, I was hoping to never have to take math again. So, I signed up for it my first semester of college, managed to get a B+, an now, I never have to take another math class in my life! Personally, I'm so happy I decided to "eat the frog" instead of putting it off, because I know that if I took this class in the middle of senioritis, I wouldn't have done nearly as well as I did last semester.

3. Cross-Check Requirements Across Schools

And, speaking of gen. ed. requirements, it's important to double-check that you're meeting all of the requirements for both of your majors - especially if your majors are in two different schools! 

At BU at least, I've learned that the College of Communications and the College of Arts and Sciences both have small differences in their general ed requirements. So, because of my double-major, I have had to take additional classes that I wouldn't have had to take otherwise. For example, in the College of Communication, you only need to take a natural science - but because I'm dually enrolled in CAS, I have to take a science with a lab component. Once I found this out, it completely changed the way I registered for spring semester, forcing me to rearrange my entire schedule. So, I'm happy I learned it early instead of later when it would be too late! 

The best way to find out about requirements like this, I've found, is to either meet with an advisor, or simply check the school's website. Most schools upload PDFs or Word Docs of their general ed requirements for current or prospective students to check out, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find out if you're on the right track to meet all of your requirements for the upcoming semester. 

4. Take Advantage of Add-Drop Periods

I've personally never had this happen to me (not yet, anyways!), but after checking your requirements or meeting with an advisor, maybe you've discovered that you're enrolled in the entirely wrong class for your double-major. Now, you're freaking out. What if you don't graduate on time? What if you can't complete your double-major? What the hell do you do now?!

First of all, don't panic! Instead, if you're already registered for the class, see when your add-drop period ends for the current semester. Chances are, if you've come to the realization early on in the semester, you can either drop the class or enroll in a new one with little to no penalty. At most schools, as long as you make the swap early enough, your transcript won't show that you dropped a class, meaning you can get into the right class for your majors without worrying about your grades suffering because of it. 

At BU, our add-drop periods are much longer than at many other schools, so we have a long time to make sure that we are truly committed to the classes we're in! Though I'm currently on the right track to meet my majors' requirements, I'm grateful that if something were to happen, I have an exit strategy to make sure I can still graduate in a timely manner with my dual degrees. Add-drop periods are definitely a helpful safety net for those of us who want to pursue a double-major!

5. Double-Count Classes Toward Your Majors

Chances are, if you're choosing to double-major, you already have some idea of the years of hard work that lie ahead of you. I'm not going to sugarcoat it: double-majors have a lot heavier workload than many other college students, simply because we have to get more credits to graduate with two degrees! 

Yet while there's no way around the fact that you're going to have to do a little bit of extra work to graduate with two degrees on time, there are definitely ways that you can cut down on the workload to make it easier on yourself. One thing that's been especially helpful to me has been finding out where I can double-count classes to knock out requirements for both majors. 

If your college allows it, I would definitely recommend seeing where your classes might overlap in both schools' requirements. Are some courses cross-listed in both departments - such as a political media course (for a communications/poli-sci major) or a biostatistics course (for a biology/statistics major)? Then, take those whenever you can! Or, similarly, can you count some of your requirements for one major toward general ed requirements for the other? For example, I have been able to count my political science classes toward the College of Communications' social sciences and history requirements. Whenever you can, double-up on classes - your workload (and your parents' wallets) will thank you! 

6. Get Credit Wherever You Can

To get to where you were now, you probably had to take a lot of difficult coursework in high school to prepare you for college. For example, you might have been enrolled in AP classes, taken IB courses, or even taken dual enrollment classes at a community college in your area. But now that you're in college, do you know which credits are accepted by your university, and which ones are not?

If you got good scores on your AP exams (we're talking a four or a five) or have credits you can transfer from another college (such as a community college or university where you transferred from), don't put it off - DO IT NOW! Meet with an advisor to make sure you get credit where credit is due. That way, you can see how many classes you can cross off your list, so you won't make your workload heavier than it ought to be.

Alternatively, also make sure that you're aware of places where you might have AP or other credits that can't be recognized. For example, I took AP World History as a high school sophomore and got a 5, but despite my high score, BU doesn't give students any credit from World History. So, don't count any of your AP credits without checking the online guidelines or meeting with an advisor first. You might think you have credit just because you got a good score on the big test, but in reality it all depends on what your school chooses to accept. 

I cannot stress this step enough for cutting down on your workload as a double-major. At BU, double-majors often have to overload on credits (meaning you have to take five classes a semester instead of the typical four), which costs your parents more money in tuition and, TBH, isn't much fun for your schedule. However, because I came in with a full semester of AP credit, my advisor told me I would likely only have to overload once, if at all, in order to graduate with my two degrees on time. So, if you happen to be a high school student reading this post and know you want to double-major, definitely load up on as many AP courses as you can (sanely) handle! It will save your parents so much money - and yourself so much time. Even if it seems like a struggle now, you'll be eternally grateful that you decided to push yourself!

7. Seek Advice from Upperclassmen

A few weeks before classes started at BU, I moved into my dorm early and participated in a week of group community service through a program called the First Year Student Outreach Project. During that week, one of my group leaders happened to be a sophomore studying Public Relations and Political Science in the two colleges that I planned to enroll in. Since then, I've spent a ton of time talking to her about the courses she's taken and whether or not she's found it difficult to major in two different colleges at BU! 

Though it might seem a little awkward to reach out to upperclassmen, I think it's super important and valuable to find mentors in older students who want to follow similar career paths as you. After all, your friends are some of the best resources you have in life anyways. So, if you can make friends with an upperclassmen (or two, or three, or more!) who's also a double-major in your chosen fields, that's even better!

Not only will it help you now, while you're stuck taking five classes a semester and wondering how to get through finals week, but it may also help you later on in life, when you're trying to land a prestigious internship or even trying to get a "real job" after college. For example, if you're applying for an internship at a major finance firm and you know an upperclassmen who used to intern there, then you'll be able to learn all the dirty details of what you should put in your application and what you should say in your interview to help you achieve major success. Or, if you're looking for a job in marketing and you happen to know someone who graduated a year above you who has a job with a marketing agency, then you know just who to e-mail and ask if there are any positions available in her office! 

These are my best tips on how to prepare for a double-major - what are yours? Let me know in the comments below!

Want more college and career tips from Haley Marie? Sign up for my monthly newsletter!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to Eat Healthy in College

Disclaimer: All of the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I was NOT compensated or sponsored in any way for this post. 

I am also not a health professional, so be sure to check in with your doctor before implementing any dietary or nutritional changes!

Hello, beautiful! Today, I want to talk to you about a unique experience I had recently, thanks to the health app Maven.

If you haven't heard of Maven, this app is revolutionary (in my opinion, at least!). Maven is an online health clinic designed by women, for women. With Maven, you can get an appointment with a health provider of any kind - whether you need a doctor, mental health professional, nutritionist, or even sex therapist! - and even get prescriptions for things like birth control.

At just $25.00, a 20-minute video appointment is convenient, inexpensive, and private. You don't need to schedule an expensive, annoying appointment with your doctor just to receive a referral, or even leave your house if you're feeling truly terrible.

Oh, and since you're a loyal reader of my blog, you can even use my referral code (9EDLC) to get your first appointment 100% free!

Those of you who have been with me since my first blog know that I'm no stranger to online health treatment. I used to use Talkspace for text messaging therapy. However, I wish that I had known about Maven before I signed up for Talkspace - not only is Maven cheaper, but it's more personal and would have gotten me the mental health treatment I needed in an efficient way.

I just had my first experience with Maven because I had a $25.00 credit for a free video appointment. Since I haven't been sick recently and I'm already seeing my own therapist, I decided to schedule a consultation with a nutritionist.

Personally, I've never seen a nutritionist before Maven. However, I have always been interested in the food I put into my body and learning easy tips for eating more nutritious meals. I have also been a vegetarian for five years, and was interested in seeing if I was getting all the nutrients I need while on this specialized diet.

I saw Maya F., and thought she was incredibly friendly, helpful, and sweet while still maintaining her professionalism during our appointment. Throughout the appointment, I even took notes on the advice she gave me so that I could share some of what I learned from her with all of you!

Please note that since I'm a vegetarian, not all of this advice may be relevant to you. However, I hope that you will keep an open mind and hopefully learn something useful to help you eat healthier in college!

Also, as an added bonus, you'll find my free three-day meal plan at the bottom of this post! If you're anything like me, you might have trouble thinking of fun and healthy meal ideas throughout the week - so, I took the liberty of putting together three days worth of nutritious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks to take the guesswork out of it for y'all. Though I myself am a vegetarian, I even created additional plans for vegans and for carnivores to appeal to people of all diets :)

To claim this awesome freebie, simply sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this post! You'll get the meal plans straight to your inbox ASAP. Just keep in mind that while the plans are based on Maya's advice, I myself am not a nutritionist and do not claim to know what is best for you or your body!

On that note, here were my Maven nutritionist's tips for a healthier college diet.

Tip #1: Eat Perfect Pairs

The first thing Maya did during our appointment was have me walk her through what I generally eat in a day. Then, she gave me suggestions for how I could improve my diet. Based on what I told her, I quickly learned that I needed to eat fewer carbs (surprise, surprise - if you know me, you know I love pasta, bread, and all things carby and delicious) and more protein and fats. I think this is a common trap for many vegetarians, since we know that things like pasta 

Maybe the simplest tip Maya gave me was to eat what she calls "perfect pairs." Basically, at any meal, you're going to want to pair two servings of carbs with one serving of fats and one serving of protein. Or, for a snack, pair one serving of carbs with either a fat or a protein - so, an apple with peanut butter, or crackers and a Babybel cheese wheel. 

Tip #2: Cut Carbs in Half (Not Out!)

Following the realization that I was eating way too many carbs, the next thing Maya told me was that I should try to pay more attention to serving sizes for carby things like grains and fruits. For example, did you know that one serving of carbs is only half a banana - NOT the whole thing? So, if you're going to have a piece of fruit with that sandwich, you'd best make it an open-faced sandwich to avoid eating too many carbs in one sitting.

However, while I definitely need to cut back on my carb intake (like many of us veggies probably do), I really appreciated that she didn't tell me to cut them out of my diet altogether. Carbs are an important source of fuel for the body, and we need them to survive. Without pasta, bread, and fruit we wouldn't have the energy to go about our daily lives!

Tip #3: Don't Rely on Beans for Protein

Today, I learned something that completely went against everything I learned in school, health class, and online: beans and legumes, while they contain protein, are actually categorized as carbs (much like whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, which also contain some protein). 

First of all, What?!?! As a vegetarian, this explains why my diet has become so carby: in my salads, I rely on things like chickpeas, black beans, and hummus to fulfill my protein intake. Little did I know that I was actually eating more carbs, not counteracting them with protein!

Without beans, I sort of felt like there were no sources of protein left, since I don't like traditional vegetarian sources like tofu or eggs. However, I learned that there's actually a ton of secret protein sources beyond the world of beans! Apparently, cheese, Greek yogurt, nut milk, pea protein (she suggested Amazing Grass or Vega for shakes - though personally, I bought the MRM Veggie Elite in Chocolate Mocha from Amazon - and Beyond Meat for meat substitutes), and even roasted edamame all work toward your daily protein intake. So, quit relying on the beans and start working in new sources of protein! Your body will thank you for it.

Tip #4: Eat Dairy!

In case you haven't caught on yet, one of my favorite things about Maya was that I felt like her nutrition advice was actually realistic. For example, she actually suggested that I eat things like cheese and Greek yogurt as sources of protein.

Coming from a nutritionist, I was pleasantly surprised to hear this advice! I LOVE dairy, yet I feel like everyone from Beyonce to Gwenyth has been ditching it lately. However, the key to doing dairy right, Maya said, was to make sure you keep your sources to the proper portion sizes. For Greek yogurt, that means one cup; for cheese, that means nothing bigger than a stick of string cheese.

Lately the big nutrition push seems to be "Go vegan, go vegan, go vegan," which, as a vegetarian, always makes me feel like I am always failing to live up to some golden standard. So, to hear from a nutritionist that it's actually okay to eat dairy - in moderation, that is - made me feel like I finally deserved a pat on the back!

Tip #5: Make Your Own Salad Dressing

Believe it or not, salads aren't always healthy. According to Maya, not-so-healthy toppings and salad dressings can take an otherwise healthy salad from good to bad real quick. For example, I'm a huge fan of the pesto caesar salad dressing at my school, but creamy salad dressings like caesar tend to be where all the unhealthy fats, sugar, and sodium hang out. 

Instead, Maya suggested relying more on oil-based than creamy salad dressings for your healthy fat intake. In fact, if your school offers this option, she said it's probably best to mix your own salad dressing. For example, at BU, all the salad bars have oil and red wine vinegar in them, so I'm a huge fan of putting those together on my salads. Maya also suggested a simple recipe of dijon mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper - I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds incredible!

Tip #6: Swap Greek Yogurt for Mayo

This tip is a simple, yet effective way to cut down on fat and add a little extra protein into your diet! If you're anything like me, you love a little bit of mayo on your sandwiches, or mixed into things like pasta and potato salads. Yet while a little healthy fat is never bad for you, mayo isn't the best thing to put into your body. So, as a nutritious substitute, Maya recommended plain Greek yogurt as a healthy swap for mayonnaise in your diet.

One of the perks of choosing Greek yogurt over mayo  - especially for a vegetarian - is that Greek yogurt counts toward your protein intake for the day. As a vegetarian, I tend to have a hard time incorporating protein into my diet (Disclaimer: I don't like tofu or eggs), so this tip was a total game-changer for me! I predict I will definitely be using this healthy swap to get a little more protein and little less fat in my life.

Tip #7: Snack on Fats Late at Night

Personally, one of the times I tend to snack most often is late-night, usually around 11 or 12. (And I'm sure this is true for many college students, who tend to stay up late studying-slash-procrastinating on Pinterest.) It's during these times that my salty or sweet cravings hit their hardest, and I end up snacking on mini cookie bites or microwave macaroni and cheese cups that I later regret.

To help curb cravings, Maya said that fats are great for a late night snack, as long as you stick to your perfect pairs and match it up with a complementary carb. According to Maya, fats work well for snacking because they help you stay full longer, so they keep you from getting hungry quickly and bingeing on a salty or sweet snack that your body will regret. So, next time you find yourself starving at midnight, reach for some avocado toast or berries and dark chocolate. 

Tip #8: Double Your Water Intake

Finally, you probably knew it was coming, but we can't talk about nutrition without at least mentioning water. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed to admit to Maya that I was only drinking 1-2 water bottles per day. My low water intake is something I've been very conscious of lately and that I am actively trying to change, so I knew she would probably tell me to drink more. However, I was surprised to hear just how much more water she suggested I drink! 

Apparently, as an active college student, I should be drinking about twice as much water as I am right now. That means 3-4 water bottles a day. For me, since my water bottle holds about three cups of water, 3-4 water bottles a day would set me at right about 9-12 glasses of water per day - which seems like a lot! 

Before this, I thought the recommendation was eight glasses a day for everyone - and without Maven, I would have never known the truth! However, there's a good reason why I need to drink so much: since most of my meals are eaten out or in a dining hall, Maya said there's a good chance I'm taking in a lot more sodium than I should be eating in a day. And, what's the best way to flush that extra sodium out of your system? Yup, you guessed it - water! For that reason, college students might actually want to try drinking more water than the average person. Who knew?!

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