Monday, April 24, 2017

What to Expect During Big/Little Week

Hello, beautiful! In case you missed it, I'm now an (initiated!) member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Two weeks ago was my sorority's big-little week, and I knew almost instantly I wanted to share my experience with you.

Whether you're already a new member who hasn't gotten her big yet or thinking of rushing next spring, big/little week is probably already on your mind. So many girls say that big/little week is the highlight of sorority life - and while I disagree that sororities have nothing more to offer, I can't lie: big/little week is pretty darn amazing!

This post will share what big/little week is like from the perspective of a little, and all the little things you might not know to expect. So many people think this week is all about presents, but it's so much more special and exciting than that! I hope I can do the best I can to

Big/little week is more than just presents!

In my sorority at least, big/little week was part of I-week, or the week leading up to initiation. Throughout the week, we had activities every day, like ice cream socials and crafting nights! At those events, we had a "box" that our big would fill with presents for us. So, every day we not only got to collect our gifts, but also got to spend time with our sisters crafting, eating and sneakily speculating about who our bigs might be :)

Your big will make you a Facebook page

Before big/little week even begins, your big will create a Facebook page with a silly name for you (mine was called "AllHail MyLittleHaley") so the two of you can communicate without revealing her identity. But beware! As much as your big loves you, she also loves stalking you on social media and digging up the world's most embarrassing photos of you for your Facebook page. So, consider yourself fairly warned!

You should clean your room first...

...because your big will be breaking in! While our new member director told us that not every family breaks into our rooms (technically they're not allowed to), I don't know a single girl who didn't get a roomful of presents - and that's in addition to the boxes of presents they're already giving you. You might not necessarily know when your big is coming, so I would strongly advise straightening up before big/little week even begins. Plus, your big decorates your door, so make sure you take down anything that might get in the way! (And warn your roommate ahead of time so she knows to leave the door unlocked, though your big might have already reached out to her.)

You won't need to buy food for a month

Maybe the best part of big/little week is that you're about to be SHOWERED with all your favorite snacks! Not only did my big bequeath me with Oreos, homemade Thin Mint brownies (yes, I know), Kit-Kats, Starbursts and Fruit Rollups, but she also had an entire pizza delivered to my room and enlisted a fellow Theta to bring me Starbucks in class. But trust me, while you might think you can eat that much food now, I promise you you can't. Sharing is caring when it comes to big/little week - I gave a bunch of my snacks away to Ryan and let my roommate know there was pizza in the fridge! 

You're about to be entrusted with the family heirloom

A lot of the shirts and things your big will give to you during big/little week are hand-me-downs, but that's not what I'm talking about: I'm talking about a special present that gets passed down from generation to generation of littles! In my family, it's a cute canvas that my ggbig made for my gbig. So, when you're given this gift, make sure you treat it like the special heirloom it is. Remember that it's a special privilege to be able to uphold your family and your sorority's traditions - and be sure to take good care of it for your future little ;)

Your big might lie to you

Prior to big/little week, I had no idea how much effort goes into keeping the bigs' identities a secret - which probably made me the perfect target for all of the misleading hints and clues they give you! While some of the clues they give you might be true (I even know one big who, honorably, never lied to her little), chances are your big will try to lead you down the wrong path. 

Not everyone loves their families

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but not everyone has the same experience when it comes to my big/little week. One of my friends is a twin and feels totally left out and ignored by her big - but that doesn't mean she doesn't still love her little or have a great experience in Theta. At the end of the day, there's so many other girls in the chapter who will love you (and honorarily "adopt" you) if you don't love your fam. So while it sucks to not be happy with what you get in the end, I can assure you that you're not alone! Not everyone around you is as happy with their families as they seem.

It's not all about your big!

Before I joined a sorority, I thought big/little was just about the two of you. In actuality, when you get your big, you're joining an entire family! For example, I'm a part of the lion family, which not only includes my big, but also my gbig (grandbig), ggbig and even gggbig. Chances are, your family is much bigger (accidental pun) than you even realize. In fact, if members of your family are graduated, you might never even meet the whole of your extended fam! 

TBH, who it is doesn't really matter

Girls in your sorority, your new member director (or whatever your chapter calls it), etc. will tell you for weeks that your big might not be your first choice, or necessarily even someone you know. My big was my first choice, and I knew from the very beginning that she would probably be my big (a friend of ours called it during recruitment, even though we hadn't met yet) - but there were still moments that I was worried I might be disappointed by getting my second or third or even fourth choice. Probably the most important thing I wish someone had told me is that by the time you see her face during reveal, it won't matter anyways. Your big is someone who's there for you no matter what and there to be your friend, confidante and sister. So, if there's anything I could go back and tell myself before big/little week began, it's don't stress so much about her identity! You'll love her no matter what :)

Your big is like an older sister (and that's kind of a *big* deal!)

When you get your big, you're not just meeting the person who's basically been your personal Santa Claus all week - you're gaining a big sister and an entire family! To someone like me who's never had an older sister (in fact, I'm the older sister to a younger brother), that was the most meaningful and special part of getting my big. My big Riley is someone who guided me through my first weeks in Theta and who I've always felt comfortable going to for advice, so I knew from the very beginning she would be the big sister I've never had! (Cheesy, but true.)

What should every little know about Big/Little Week? LMK in the comments below or @haleymarieblog on social media! 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How to Make a Self-Care Kit

Hello, beautiful - and welcome back to another gorgeous day on Haley Marie Blog! Today, I want to talk to you all about a subject that's near and dear to my heart: self-care.

Admittedly, while I try to keep this blog upbeat and positive, we all know that college has its challenges. Like many of you, I'm constantly part of a hectic balancing act. Between school, the paper, Theta and my blog, I sometimes feel like I'm stretched too thin. As a result, anxiety remains a near-constant fixture in my everyday life.

Unsurprisingly, college is the perfect melting pot for stress, anxiety and depression to come together. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 85% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed by their commitments and 30% of college students reported that stress negatively affected their academic performance.

With finals coming up and the semester heading toward a close, it's more important now than ever to keep unhealthy stress and anxiety at bay. That's why I'm walking you through one of my favorite self-care tips, step-by-step: how to create a self-care kit!

As someone with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, creating a self-care kit that I can carry with me throughout my day has really helped me transform my everyday routine. In addition to the portable self-care kit I'll be showing you how to make today, I also have a larger kit in my bedroom to help me unwind at the end of a long, stressful day!

In this post, you'll learn what self-care is, why it matters and how to create your very own self-care kit. In addition, I also have a kind of exciting announcement to make! I'll be hosting my very first giveaway here on Haley Marie Blog to give one lucky reader a spring self-care kit to help you unwind during the busy finals season.

Your potential prize! (Letters not included.)

If you win, I'll ship you a little basket full of Target goodies, including (but not limited to!):

  • Cute spring stationery, to help you finish out the semester strong! 
  • A lavender face mask, to relax and rejuvenate your stressed-out skin.
  • Bigelow tea bags. What could be better during finals week than a hot cup of tea?
  • Marshmallow peeps, because it's *just* past Easter - and who couldn't use a sweet treat?

I was so excited to put this basket together for you, so I hope you're just as excited about it as I am! If you want to enter for your chance to win this spring self-care kit, read all the way to the bottom of this post to find out how you can win.

Oh, and for the full terms and conditions of the giveaway, be sure to click here! Now, let's talk about self-care :)

What is self-care? (And why practice it?)

First of all, I have to answer your age-old question: Why should I care about self-care? The term "self-care" gets thrown around a lot in holistic health and wellness circles, so many people assume self-care is only for that certain type of person. Others may think self-care is important only if you are suffering from anxiety or depression.

In reality, all of those assumptions are completely false! Taking better care of your mental health can benefit your life even if you aren't someone who is stressed, anxious or depressed. Self-care is something you probably do every day and don't even know it!

Put simply, "self-care" is exactly what it sounds like: taking care of yourself. If you got a good night's sleep, took a shower and/or ate breakfast this morning, you're already engaging in the most essential kind of self-care. Once you master the basics - like eating regular meals, sleeping enough, exercising and keeping up with personal hygiene (whether because you're busy, anxious or depressed, believe me: this can be harder than you think) - then you can start thinking about the type of self-care I'm going to talk about today.

Eating, sleeping and showering are all types of self-care essential to your health and wellness. However, it's equally important to engage in self-care benefitting your mind and spirit as it is to take care of your body.

As college students, we're almost eternally stressed - especially toward the end of the spring semester. If you're anything like me, right now you're probably struggling to figure out your summer plans for internships, jobs and travel while worrying about when you're going to finish all your long-term projects, study for your tests and register for next fall's classes (and going broke in the process).

Thus, self-care is especially important for college students. Taking good care of yourself can help you get a grip on your mental health, reconnect with your motivation and release some of that built-up tension amid all of those external stressors. So, if you're in college and this stressed-out, frazzled character doesn't sound like you, chances are it's because you're already killing the self-care game!

Meditating, coloring in an adult coloring book, playing with your dog or participating in a hobby you love all qualify as self-care for your mind. Furthermore, if you're someone who's religious or spiritual, it might be important to you to pray, read religious texts or devotionals, do yoga or meditate for your mental health.

Slowing down to do even just one of these things during a busy day can completely transform your mood and outlook on life - which is why everybody, no matter who they are or where they come from, should practice some form of self-care.

What is a self-care kit? (And why do I need one?)

In general, a self-care kit is a compilation of resources and small knick-knacks that make you happy. Your self-care kit should contain items you love and be something you can turn to on your worst days for comfort and relief. 

Your self-care kit can be portable or stationary, depending on where you like to do self-care and when you think you'll need it. Additionally, your self-care kit could contain a number of items meant to cheer you up and calm you down, from relaxing scented hand-lotion to a favorite book of brain teasers. 

But no matter what you put in your self-care kit, most importantly, all of the items should be personal to you and play some role in making you feel better when you're at your worst. Needless to say, don't put anything in your self-care kit that might make you feel worse. (So be sure to check any photo albums for pictures of your exes before tossing them in!)

A self-care kit can be useful in all kinds of situations. For example, if you suffer from anxiety and find yourself having a panic attack in a public space, sneaking away to the bathroom and pulling out a beloved item in your self-care kit can help you calm down fast. Or, if you're having a rough day and need a quick pick-me up, there might be something in your self-care kit to help boost your mood and give you that burst of energy you crave. 

Personally, I have a small, portable self-care kit that I keep with me at all times for fast relief, as well as a larger one that stays in my room full-time. However, today I'm just going to be showing you how to make a portable one to help you cope when you're away from home.

How to create your self-care kit

First things first: to create a self-care kit you'll need to gather the necessary supplies. Boiled down, a self-care kit basically consists of some type of container and all of the items you're going to put in it. Assembling the kit is easy, but first you have to decide what goes in and what stays out!

For my container, I'm using a simple makeup bag given to me by my big during big-little week (more on that next week! I'm so excited to share my experience with you all!). This bag was perfect for this purpose because it's both roomy and portable. Plus, the little hello detail on the front is so adorable :) When she gave it to me, my big stuck a sticky note on it that said "it me" - get it, like the Adele song? So cute!

As for the goodies that go inside, this is where it really starts to get interesting! What goes into your self-care kit is up to you from this point forward. My only advice is to keep them small, portable and fairly mess-free - and avoid anything that doesn't make you happy, of course! If looking at, touching or smelling whatever it is makes you upset in any way, shape or form, that item has no place in a self-care kit.

As you can see from the above photo, my self-care kit initially contained just a few items designed to cheer me up and calm me down. Later on, I added a few more items and resources as I found them to make sure I would never be in a situation where I didn't have what I needed or wanted. Here's the full list of what went into my finished self-care kit:

  • Bath and Body Works Stress Relief hand sanitizer. The relaxing scent really does what it promises - plus, it's always great to carry hand sanitizer for sticky situations on the go! (Literally and figuratively...)
  • Dr. Bronner's All-One Hemp Lavender Pure-Castile Soap sample. I got this sample at a vegan and cruelty-free products/food fair in Boston and have been hanging onto it for the perfect occasion. I figured my self-care kit was a great place - that way when I'm feeling gross, I can slip into the bathroom and wash my face or hands with the soothing scent of lavender.
  • Fresh Sugar lip balm. This is my all-time favorite lip balm, and is left over from my very first Sephora birthday gift ever when I was only 13 or 14! I love putting on lip balm when I don't feel my best. It might not make sense, but somehow soft lips = a happy soul.
  • Play Dough. This mini play dough is leftover from self-care kits that Student Health handed out around finals last semester! Squishing the dough was an amazing distraction from the textbooks and stress, so I figured it would work the same on my anxiety.
  • Harry Potter Coloring Kit. As you can see from the photo, I bought this 20% off at shame! Coloring is one of my favorite activities to quell anxiety, and carrying it with me has saved me from stress a number of times.
  • Dark chocolate Hershey's kisses. From my big - because obviously, chocolate is an absolute necessity for relieving stress and soothing the soul.
  • Stress ball. Also from Student Health, if you couldn't tell from the picture! When I'm anxious, I like to do something with my hands to distract from self-harm or any other harmful activities. Squishing a stress ball, for me at least, does just the trick. (Side note, but I'm also looking into getting a fidget cube for the same reason - have any of you used one before? Do you like it? Which one should I buy? LMK in the comments!)
  • Tea bags. Sitting down with a cup of hot tea is my favorite way to be mindful during the day, and English Breakfast tea just happens to be my favorite blend. Trader Joe's makes an amazing one, as does Twining's. 
  • Kleenex. Anxiety happens. So does crying. For me, it's usually at the same time... A girl's just gotta be prepared for anything, ya know what I mean?
  • Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Towelette (not pictured). This is another free sample from that vegan/cruelty free fair I went to. It might seem a little odd that I keep deodorant in my self-care kit, but I find that when I can tell that I'm sweating due to my anxiety (or just 'cause I'm a mess), I feel less confident about myself in general. So, in a pinch, deodorant silences any worries I have about the way I feel or smell!
  • French Lavender and Honey body cream mini (not pictured). Is there any feeling in the world better than smoothing lotion onto dry hands? In the wintertime, this body cream from Bath and Body Works is a must - and the act of rubbing it in completely melts away any tension I feel whatsoever.
  • Pain reliever (not pictured). If you have anxiety, then you know all about the unexplained aches and pains it can cause. From tension headaches to muscle aches, anxiety can be physically uncomfortable as well as mentally. While pain pills aren't a great long-term solution for controlling anxiety, I like to have them on hand so I can ease pain and discomfort and avoid hyper-focusing on any uncomfortable physical sensations I might have.
  • Index cards (not pictured). Okay, I don't just keep index cards in my self-care kit! More specifically, the index cards I keep have messages of self-assurance for all of my triggering situations. Additionally, I have another index card where I write coping strategies for dealing with anxiety attacks. For example, one of my favorites is the tight fist move that I learned about from the book Anxious in Love. To try it, you imagine all of your worries and anxieties gathering in the palm of your hand. Then, you hold those worries in your hand in a tight fist and imagine them dissolving into liquid. When you unclench your hand, imagine all your worries dripping to the floor like molten lava. Ahhhhh...doesn't that feel better?! 

Anyways, that's just what I personally keep in my self-care kit! However, it's important to note that this isn't a formula. In reality, your self-care kit should be unique to you and include whatever it is that makes you happy! Here are some ideas for other things you might want to include (slash things I didn't include because I was trying to save money and not buy anything new...):

  • Headphones. For listening to music, audiobooks, meditations or whatever it is you love to do!
  • Mini toiletries, such as a toothbrush or face wash. I find that when I feel clean I feel so much better about my life! 
  • Photos of your family, friends or significant other. I have these in my full-size self-care kit at home, but you could easily throw them in a portable self-care kit, too. I love looking back on happy memories with me and Ryan when I'm feeling sad!
  • Perfume. Ever noticed how a favorite scent can bring you back to a happy memory or a better time? 
  • Snacks. Not that I condone emotional eating (though I am probably the world's worst offender of it), but let's be real here: being hangry never helped anyone when they were sad. 
  • Starbucks gift card. Going out for coffee is one of those pick-me-ups that makes me happiest when I'm feeling down. Since I'm in college, I tend to just use my dining points for this - but a gift card can help if you're off-campus or if you're not in college at all!
  • Brain teasers or fidget toys, such as a mini Rubix cube or a book of sudoku. Sometimes just focusing your brain on something else can help when you're feeling down! (On that note, playing a game on your phone works just as well as a distraction!)
  • Essential oils. I'm a firm believer that specific oil blends can completely transform your mood. Check out the Worry Free roll-on by Plant Therapy for anxiety - it's my favorite!
  • Crystals. Though I've never tried it myself (I want to though!), some people believe that certain crystals have healing properties for things like anxiety and depression. Simply by carrying them with you, you might find yourself feeling better already! 
  • Bubbles. Blowing bubbles is my favorite way to relieve stress! In my opinion, it's impossible to be sad when you're watching bubbles floating through the air :) 

How to enter my spring self-care giveaway! 

Congratulations - you made it to the end of my self-care kit tutorial! Now for the fun stuff :)

Entering my spring self-care giveaway is easy: just submit your information through the Rafflecopter widget below. The app should ask you to enter using either Facebook or email! (If that's not working or you're on mobile, click here to enter.) Then, to complete your entry, you'll be asked to complete one or more quick actions, like tweet about the giveaway or comment on my latest blog post!

If you're interested in entering, I encourage you to review the full terms and conditions here. However, here are some important takeaways to be aware of:

  1. You must have parental permission to enter if you are under 18.
  2. The giveaway closes at midnight on April 30, 2017.
  3. The winner will be notified via email.
  4. No purchase is necessary to enter the giveaway!

I think that's it for the boring legal stuff now, so without further ado, here's the link to my spring self-care giveaway - good luck and happy spring!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Saturday, April 8, 2017

How to Get More Sleep (SPONSORED)

Hello, beautiful! One of my paramount goals lately has been to get more sleep. Whenever I'm stressed out with a million things on my to-do list, sleep is always the first thing to go - and lately, I've been feeling the negative effects of it.

If you're in college, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about: you start reading for a class, going out to dinner with your friends, heading to a meeting, making flashcards, reviewing for an exam - and next thing you know, it's already 2 AM. Then, when you wake up the next morning, you feel groggy, anxious and distracted all day long.

Sound familiar? If so, this post is for you, girl! I'll be sharing my tips and tricks for making sleep a priority, establishing a bedtime routine and, eventually, reaching our goal of getting a good night's sleep.

Making Sleep a Priority

The first step to getting more sleep in college is making sleep your number one priority. As simple as it sounds, this can truly be the hardest step to getting more sleep! The busier I am, the more likely I am to let sleep slip into the background as I focus on tackling my colossal to-do list. However, poor sleep can actually interfere with your health, your happiness and your productivity. For a bunch of other reasons that will motivate you to put on your comfiest PJs and crawl into bed early, check out the list I made below! (And check out this article from the National Institute of Health, where I derived all of these fun facts and statistics.)

Sleep is when your body heals. 

Though much of why we need sleep remains a mystery to scientists, we do know that sleep has tremendous benefits on your physical health because of its role in the healing process. During sleep, your body repairs damage to the heart and blood vessels - meaning without sleep, your body will recover from injury and everyday wear-and-tear much more slowly than usual.

Sleep helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Studies of teenagers have shown that with each hour of sleep you lose, the odds of becoming obese increase. Not only does sleep reduce the risk of obesity, but it also helps regulate the hormones controlling your appetite, ghrelin and leptin. It also plays a role in maintaining your blood sugar levels. In other words, when you get less sleep, your blood sugar might spike, increasing your risk for weight gain and diabetes. 

Sleep affects your mood and mental health. 

That's right, folks: sleep deprivation could be a factor in the college mental health crisis! Because sleep affects your ability to make decisions, focus on tasks, cope with change and control your behavior, sleep deprivation might cause your mental health to suffer. With consistent sleep deprivation, you could start having mood swings, make riskier decisions and become depressed or even suicidal. 

Sleep improves learning and memory.

As students, sleep is an important factor in solidifying what we've learned throughout the day. According to the National Institutes of Health, sleep enhances your learning and problem solving skills and helps you pay attention, make decisions and think creatively. So, if you want to pass that exam or ace your GPA this semester, a couple extra hours of sleep might benefit you more than an all-night study session.

Sleep makes you more productive.

Though it might feel great when you're crushing your to-do list at 3 AM, people who don't sleep enough are actually much less productive than people who do. If you're sleep deprived, you might take longer to finish your work, whether due to procrastination, distraction or even just fatigue. Your reaction time and accuracy might also suffer, as people who don't sleep have been shown to act more slowly and make more mistakes.

Sleep could save your life. 

And I'm not exaggerating! You might have already heard about the dangers of sleep deprivation after learning about media mogul Ariana Huffington's collapse at work. Unsurprisingly, there's many more risks to skipping out on a good night's sleep. For example, you might fall into microsleep (short periods of sleep occurring when you would normally be awake) without even knowing it, or endanger other drivers on the fact, drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving drunk! 

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Now that you know why it's important to sleep, you might be feeling a little daunted by the task. Setting aside the to-do list and shutting out the lights when you still have a million things to get done can be a scary feeling. Plus, the anxiety of a million tasks running through your mind can leave you laying awake late at night, thwarting your good intentions of getting a good night's sleep. Thankfully, I've discovered some tried-and-true strategies for improving the quality and quantity of my sleep at night, and I've found that one of the most important ways to improve your sleep is to establish a healthy bedtime routine. So, if you want to get better sleep but don't know where to start, here are some positive habits to incorporate into your nighttime routine! 

Go to bed at the same time every night.

As I mentioned, an essential component of a good night's sleep is a healthy routine - and one of the most important parts of any bedtime routine is consistency. If you've ever slept in too long on the weekends, you know that breaking from your routine can leave you feeling sleepy, sluggish and overall unwell. Going to bed (and waking up) at the same time morning and night can help train your body to know when it's bedtime and automatically start craving sleep. 

So, how much sleep does the average college student actually need to feel refreshed and awake? Most students need 7-9 hours a night, according to researchers at Stanford University. So, be sure to plan ahead for this requirement so you won't end up sleep deprived (like 80% of Stanford undergraduates!). 

If you want to start going to bed (or waking up) earlier, but don't want to end up laying wide awake at night, making the change in 30 minute increments over the course of a couple days can help. And, for the smoothest transition possible, be sure that when you say you're going to go to bed at a certain time, you actually DO it! 

Eat a light snack (& drink herbal tea!)

Obviously, what or how much you choose to eat before bedtime is a personal decision unique to all of us. Some people can't fall asleep when they've just eaten; I can't sleep when I'm even the slightest bit hungry. But if you do choose to snack before bedtime, you should at least be aware of how eating before bedtime can affect your digestion.

Ideally, you should grab your bedtime snack a couple of hours before bedtime, as lying down too soon after eating can cause acid reflux and/or indigestion. You might also have heard that unhealthy cravings for simple sugars and white carbs can hint at underlying exhaustion. So, should you choose to snack, know the risks your food choices pose to your sleep and your overall health.

That being said, bedtime snacks are NOT bad! Certain foods like almonds, yogurt, cherries, grapes and dark chocolate all contain chemicals known to help you get a good night's sleep. Pair your healthy midnight snack with a soothing cup of caffeine-free herbal tea for a great way to wind down and destress before bed. 

Relax with a beauty ritual.

As a beauty blogger, it should come as little surprise that beauty rituals are an essential component of my bedtime routine. When I haven't taken the time to take care of my skin, teeth and hair before bed, I feel gross and therefore less comfortable as I'm falling asleep at night.

Lately, I've adopted a three-step beauty routine at night: gel cleanser, alcohol-free toner and dry skin moisturizer. On nights when I need an extra boost of pampering, I might also add in a relaxing face mask.

For the past few weeks, I've been using Philosophy's Purity cleanser to wash my face, a product I cannot possibly rave more about! (For the full description, check out my March favorites post here.) Then I follow up with the Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herb and Rosewater to tone my skin, and top it off with Pond's Dry Skin Cream. (If I'm feeling ambitious and want to throw on a face mask, the mask will usually go on before this step, after I've washed my skin.)

Recently, I was generously asked to try the VIICode Oxygen Eye Mask for dark circles and share my results on the blog. The VIICode eye mask is an overnight treatment that can be worn for up to eight hours to reduce the appearance of dark circles, which sets it apart from other sheet masks.

I wanted to include the mask in this post on sleep for two reasons: first of all, its cool, gel-like consistency really relaxed my eyes, making it the perfect overnight ritual for a good night's sleep. Secondly, I found it was extremely effective in reducing my dark circles, making it the perfect treatment to address many college students' history of poor sleep.

As you can see from the above photo, the VIICode eye mask is simple to use. Much like sheet masks, the gels come on a little strip. Then, you can simply peel them off and stick them on your under-eye area to relieve dark circles! For the best results, use them 2-3 times a week, up to three boxes for a full course of treatment.

Practice deep breathing exercises.

Another way I like to wind down before sleep is taking the time to breathe deeply before bedtime. So many college students I know are so busy that we rush from one thing to the next without slowing down to take it all in. However, failing to be mindful throughout the day can lead to stress, overwhelm and even anxiety, making it much harder to fall asleep at the end of a long day. 

Like many of you I'm sure, I'm not the type of person who can just sit down and meditate - I need a little guidance to help me through it. The best way I've found to encourage myself to meditate is to use an app that offers guided meditations or breathing exercises. I'm fairly certain I've tried just about every meditation app on the market. After all of that research, here's a list of my all-time favorites: 
  • Pacifica. Pacifica offers some guided meditations, but lately I've been gravitating toward their breathing exercises. They last about a minute each and are just the right length for inserting mindfulness into your busiest days (you can even set the length of your breaths!).
  • Meditation Studio. If you joined my 2017 Whole Body Reset this year, you're already super familiar with Meditation Studio! For just $3.99, you'll get access to dozens of guided meditations befitting any mood, situation or length imaginable.
  • Stop, Breathe & Think. Stop, Breathe & Think is incredible! Every day, you receive a notification asking you to check in - then, the app recommends a meditation for you based on your mood. This app requires a premium membership to access most of the meditations; however, I think it's totally worth it.
  • Anxiety Release. This app errs more toward hypnosis than meditation - it uses the EMDR method to relax you with bilateral stimulation of your brain. While it's not free (because EMDR is a copyrighted method), this app is recommended by my therapist, and is one of the most effective ways out there to relax almost instantly. 

Ditch the phone and carve out time for a little self-care.

Self-care is SO important to relieve stress as a busy college student! While the most essential types of self-care are basic - like eating, sleeping and personal hygiene - self-care can also include relaxing activities like coloring, journal-writing, painting your nails or any personal hobbies you might have.

On the other hand, one of the worst habits you can get into before bedtime is one that I'm sure is familiar to all of us: scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, you name it until it's time to fall asleep! However, that sneaky blue light emanating from your phone can actually inhibit your circadian rhythms, tricking you into staying up later than you intend to. (That's probably why you've heard so many experts say to shut off your phone an hour before bedtime!)

Alternatively, setting aside just 15-30 minutes before bed for self-care can transform your evening - and your sleep pattern! So, replace scrolling through your phone before bed with filling in a coloring book, unwinding with a little yoga, writing in your journal or whatever it is you love to do. Your mind and body will surely thank you for the switch!

Getting a Good Night's Sleep

You can prioritize sleep all you want, you can establish the best bedtime routine in the world, but the only thing that will actually help you get a good night's sleep? SLEEPING! (Duh.) Obviously, prioritizing sleep and winding down before bed with a healthy routine help, but if you can't fall asleep or you sleep restlessly, not even the best intentions in the world will save you from feeling groggy the next day. On the one hand, it might seem like how quickly you fall asleep is out of your control; however, there's actually many ways you can improve the quality and quantity of sleep you get. Here are some of my personal favorite strategies for getting a good night's sleep!

Wind down with a hot shower.

If you've ever taken a warm bath or shower before bedtime, you know how relaxing this routine can be. However, what you might not know is there's actually scientific PROOF that taking a hot shower helps you sleep better at night! According to Lifehacker, when you get out of a toasty warm shower and step into a cold (or even just a normal temperature) room, the drop in body heat signals to your brain that it's time to rest. Is that *cool* or what?! (See what I did there?)

Get nice 'n' comfy.

As obvious as this seems, something as simple as putting on your comfiest clothes can help you get a better night's sleep! But, here's another fun fact you might not know: if you're the kind of person who likes to sleep in your sweats, you might not sleep as well as someone who changes into your PJs. I can't remember where I heard this, but supposedly changing into PJs helps signal to your brain that it's time to go to bed. So, think twice about falling into bed at 3 AM with your leggings on and put on your cutest pajamas instead!

Take some time to digest.

If you're anything like me, you need to eat a snack before bedtime - which is totally okay! On the other hand, planning your meals ahead of time is key to getting a good night's sleep. If you eat too close to bedtime, you might sleep poorly and wake up feeling bloated. Some experts suggest not eating two to three hours before bed, which seems a little extreme to me. Personally, I think as long as you wait about an hour to give your body time to digest, you're probably good to go! 

Roll on the aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy, such as using essential oils, has been getting a lot of attention lately - maybe because so many celebrities are jumping in on the trend. Personally, I'm a huge fan of essential oils, specifically for soothing anxiety and helping me relax. Plus, it's such an easy tip to incorporate into your own life! Bath and Body Works has a whole line of aromatherapy products, including a bunch targeted toward sleep. You can also try rolling on my favorite essential oil blend to relieve worrying before bedtime, or check out this adorable line of animal-shaped heating pads that exude the soothing scent of lavender. 

Set the mood with some relaxing sounds.

Ever noticed that certain sounds just calm you from head to toe? For me, it's the sound of rain. Whenever I'm anxious or stressed, whether I'm studying or trying to fall asleep or having a panic attack, the sound of rain pattering on the window calms me right down. So, I've gotten in the habit of listening to rain sounds whenever I can't fall asleep at night. In particular, the app Relax Melodies has completely transformed my sleep, especially when I am anxious as I am trying to fall asleep. This free app lets you select the sounds you want and adjust their volumes, so you can concoct your own special blend of relaxing melodies.

Actually go to bed on time! 

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, going to bed on time is key. You have to be firm with yourself about getting enough sleep at night, especially when you are trying to adjust to an earlier bedtime. If you don't prioritize sleep and let going to bed fall to the side while you work on other things, you'll never reap the benefits that a good night's sleep can bring. As easy as it is to say "I'll go to bed in ten minutes," or "I'll go to bed when I finish this," ten minutes can quickly turn into sixty, and "when I finish this" So, when you say you're going to go to bed at a certain time, actually GO TO BED! 

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