Friday, July 28, 2017

How to Use the Law of Attraction + Free Printable!

Hello, beautiful! Lately, I've discovered a secret for getting everything I want in life - and I do mean everything.

That might sound like an exaggeration, but I promise it's 110% true! Ever since I started using this tip, I've accomplished nearly all of my goals in the past few months. I've been happier and more energetic than ever, and my productivity has gone through the roof.

What is this magic tip, you might ask? Getting what you want in life is all about the Law of Attraction. In other words, you attract exactly what you set out to get in life. By using the Law of Attraction in my own life, I've been able to improve my relationships, skyrocket my productivity and write more blog posts than ever before.

This post is all about how you, too, can get everything you want in life by using the Law of Attraction - be sure to read all the way to the bottom to get my free printable guide to using the LOA in your life!

But first, let's talk about what the Law of Attraction is and isn't:

The Law of Attraction: A Definition

What the Law of Attraction Is: 
  • A way to attract more of what you want by sending positive thoughts into the Universe
  • Scientifically proven by quantum physicists in the field
  • A different way of viewing your internal reality

What the Law of Attraction Isn't
  • A way to get things you only want for superficial reasons
  • Another piece of new-age bulls*t
  • A religious idea tied to a particular faith or spirituality

Okay, I have to admit: the title I gave this post was slightly misleading and a little bit click-baity. In reality, there's no way to get literally everything you want in life. Because the Law of Attraction is all about cooperating with the energy in the Universe (whether you believe that energy is driven by God, science or whatever else there is out there) to bring about what you want, you can't force something into being if the Universe does not will it so.

That being said, you truly can change your life in a radical way using the Law of Attraction. How, you might ask? Don't worry, I'll get into that later - but first, let's define the Law of Attraction in a bit more detail:

Essentially, the Law of Attraction states that the Universe is made up of vibrations of energy coursing throughout our reality. If we view the world this way, we can then deduce that everything we perceive in our present-day reality can be boiled down to our thoughts, feelings and experiences. If that's true, then we inherently shape our lives based on what runs through our brains on an everyday basis. 

When it comes to the vibrations of the Universe, the basic rule of the LOA is that like attracts like. In other words, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive experiences into your life. Unfortunately, the same is true of negative thoughts: if you're someone who's prone to negative thinking, you're shaping your reality to become more and more negative over time.

If I think about the number of negative thoughts that run through my brain in a day, that seems a little bit scary! Lots of us suffer from automatic negative thoughts that bring us down and make us doubt ourselves throughout our day - but thanks to the Law of Attraction, we now know that changing those thoughts can make a radical difference in our happiness over time! 

So, now that we know what the Law of Attraction is, how do we put it into practice to help us get everything we want in life? In other words, how do we harness the energy of the Universe so that it works with us, rather than against us? Scroll to the next section to find out! 

How to Use the Law of Attraction in YOUR Life!

Once you know how to harness the power of the Law of Attraction, you can manifest almost anything you truly want in life into being. Let me clarify exactly what I mean by that:

There's two types of wanting something in life: there's things that you truly want with all your heart and soul, a wanting that runs deep into the core fiber of your very being - and then there's superficial wanting, wanting something because everyone else has it, because you feel like you should have it, because other people are telling you you need it, etc.

The Universe can sense the difference between your ego, aka your conscious thoughts, and your "divine self," aka your soul. In other words, if what you *think* you want want isn't what's actually best for you, the Universe can sense that - and It will never send you down a path that won't ultimately help you make the most of your purpose on this earth.

Getting in touch with your deepest desires can be difficult and even painful sometimes. There are times in our lives when we suppress our innermost emotions just so we can get through the day without falling apart or breaking into tears. But avoiding your truest feelings is like putting a Band-Aid on what's really wrong with your life: if you don't address the root cause of your issues, they'll just keep repeating themselves like a broken record, and you'll never achieve the highest level of happiness you deserve.

So, try your best to get in touch with who YOU are and what YOU want - not what your conscious mind thinks, feels or wants, but how you feel at the very core of your being and soul! I promise it will make your experience with the Law of Attraction better in the long run, even if it won't make it easier in the short-term. 

That being said, let's get into some practical ways you can harness the power of the LOA in your very own life: 

  1. Use positive affirmations. One of the simplest ways to harness the Law of Attraction in your own life is to frame your desires as if they are already happening in the present moment. For example, if self-love is a major goal of yours, start your day by saying in the mirror, "Good morning, [your name]. I love you." (If you're looking for proof that this really works, check out this awesome TED Talk by Shauna Shapiro!
  2. Write it down! I also like to spend time writing down affirmations like "My blog has thousands of views" and "I have an abundance of wealth" to really feel like I'm manifesting them into being. For me, something happens when I write stuff down that makes it feel concrete and "more real." This is actually scientifically proven as well: studies show writing down your goals makes you more than 80% more likely to actually achieve them! 
  3. Make a vision board. Particularly if you consider yourself more of a visual person than a verbal one, creating a vision board can help you manifest your goals into being. The way this works, at least from my perspective, is that when you see your vision board, you begin to actively think about your goals. Then, those positive thoughts are what bring about the changes in the Universe that help you achieve your dreams! So, tear apart some old magazines and get crafty, or simply create a board on Pinterest. Your goals (and the Universe) will thank you for your love and attention :) 
  4. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Another way to use the Law of Attraction is to, quite literally, replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. In therapy, I learned an easy way to get your mind off negativity or stop over-thinking in its tracks: it's called diversion, and it's a way of distracting your mind by giving it a signal that enough is enough. The next time you notice a negative thought running through your mind, try thinking of something that makes you happy instead. No matter how small or little it is (for me, it's dogs in flower crowns; for my therapist, it's tiny houses...not joking!), this diversion gives your brain something else to focus on besides your negative thoughts. For more info on how cognitive behavioral therapy can help you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, check out this step-by-step article from Cognitive Therapy Guide! 
  5. Connect with your body and mind. Finally, staying in touch with your body and mind's innermost desires will help you utilize the Law of Attraction more effectively. Since it's so important to know your body and mind inside and out, I fully recommend having a robust mindfulness practice if you plan on harnessing the Law of Attraction in your life. Two of the greatest activities you can do? Meditation and yoga! Both are great for clearing your mind to give way to your body and mind's innermost needs and desires, and both are some of my favorite mindfulness activities for anxiety and depression as well :) 

To Get Your Printable Guide to the Law of Attraction...

Congrats on sticking this post through until the very end! As a reward, here's how to get your printable guide to the Law of Attraction 100% for free by following the three simple steps below!
  1. Subscribe to my newsletter, Haley Marie Monthly, by entering your information below.
  2. Check your email to confirm your subscription.
  3. A confirmation email will hit your inbox with the link and password to my free printables library - be sure to bookmark it for future reference! ;)

What are your thoughts on the Law of Attraction? Let me know @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!

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Monday, July 24, 2017

My Favorite Beauty Products of All-Time

Hello, beautiful! Lately, I've been trying to really downsize my beauty collection to just the products I use every day. During this process, Ryan actually was the one to suggest I write this post - so here I am following his advice!

Essentially, I'm here to tell you exactly what the title suggests: I'm here to talk about my favorite beauty products of all-time. Some of these products are traditional skincare, haircare and makeup products you can find in any makeup bag or in your local Sephora, while others are a little more out-of-the-box and not something you might see every day.

Since I'm not good at narrowing down my favorites (never have been, probably never will be), we have a lot to talk about - so, don't let me delay any further. Let's start talking about the best beauty products of all time! (In my opinion...)

Beauty Favorites

Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Oil

I haven't used this oil for very long now, but I can't rave enough about it! In fact, I'm a big proponent of the Burt's Bees line in general. I have combination skin and I wouldn't have dreamed of putting oil on my face before this year. However, through my Fiverr account, I actually ended up writing a post on double-cleansing (click to read more on this controversial method) and was convinced to give the method a try. On its own, I would never use the Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Oil - made from coconut and argan oils, this cleanser is fairly light, but it doesn't leave my face feeling as squeaky-clean as I would normally like. On the other hand, as part of a double-cleansing routine, this is the perfect oil-based cleanser for me. Not only is it affordable and available at your local drugstore, but it also smells amazing and removes makeup (that's right, even waterproof mascara!) like nothing else I've ever used before. Altogether, Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Oil definitely makes my list of my all-time favorite beauty products! Get it from Burt's Bees for just $16.00. 

Pacifica Coconut Probiotic Water Rehab Cream

On my quest to start using more cruelty-free beauty products, I purchased a bunch of products from the Pacifica line. (In case you didn't know, Pacifica is a 100%-vegan and cruelty-free beauty line that offers natural makeup and skincare.) Anyways, I purchased this product for the first time a few weeks ago, and already I know this product will remain a staple in my daily routine. If your skin suffers from stress, lack of sleep or dehydration, this moisturizer will completely repair all of that damage in an incredibly short amount of time. I love it because it's affordable (you can get it at Target!), smells amazing and contains probiotics - which, if you haven't read my post on the best health trends of summer 2017 yet, are all the rage right now and so important for your gut and skin health. Get it for $16.00 at Pacifica.

Missha All Around Safe Block Essence Sun SPF 45

This sunscreen is one of those random Korean beauty buys you find in the most unexpected places (don't you just love when that happens?). I found this sunscreen on Amazon when I was trying to create a solid skincare routine for myself last winter, because I know how important it is to wear sunscreen every. Single. Day. Even when it's dark and gloomy outside! Now that I've tested this product in the heat of summer, however, I can attest that it's the only sunscreen that has ever 100% protected my pale, sensitive facial skin from sunburn. And that's saying a lot, since I'm normally the type of person who burns within 10-15 minutes of walking out my front door. For just $11.00, order Missha All Around Safe Block Essence Sun SPF 45 on Amazon - I promise your skin (and your doctor!) will thank you :) 

Origins Original Skin Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay

I cannot possibly stress enough how much a life-changer this mask has been for my skin's health and vitality. TBH, I'm still using the sample size of this mask that I got at Sephora - which is one of the reasons why I love it so much! This face mask lasts, and lasts, and lasts. A little truly goes a long way! But besides that, it's also one of the most effective exfoliators I've ever used. Not only does it double as a face mask and scrub, but it dries faster than any other mask I've used, making it a quick 'n' dirty way to treat yourself even on the busiest of days. As a girl with combination skin, I 100% recommend this mask as a way to sap up oil and grime without irritating dry, sensitive skin. Get it for $26.00 at Sephora. You won't regret it; I promise.

SheaMoisture Peace Rose Oil Sensitive Skin Mud Mask

You might be sensing a trend when it comes to me and rose masks :) But in all seriousness, I love rose oil as an ingredient for both the fresh scent it gives this mud mask and the wonders it works on my sensitive, combination skin. SheaMoisture's Peace Rose Oil Sensitive Skin Mud Mask is one of those game-changing drugstore products I'll forever swear by. Every few weeks, I'll pick up a packet of this at Target (though it says it's single use, I can easily squeeze two or three uses out of one packet) and use it to have a DIY spa day at home. Every time I use this mask, I can feel my skin tingling as the mud sucks out the impurities from my oily T-zone; meanwhile, the rose oil calms and soothes my dehydrated cheeks. I love it, I love it, I love it - and I hope that you will, too! Try it out for just $14.99 (for a whole jar, not a single-use packet) at Target.

Burts Bee's Milk & Honey Lotion

Though I do follow a vegan diet, meaning I don't drink milk or eat any milk products, I still haven't been able to let go of this hydrating lotion from Burt's's sort of a guilty vegetarian pleasure of mine! This lotion blends milk, honey, Vitamin E, coconut oil and grape seed oil into the most delicious-smelling, moisturizing product you'll ever use. I love slathering this lotion onto my entire body after I get out of a hot bath at the end of a long day - there's absolutely nothing else in this world like it. I encourage you to try it for yourself! Get this product for $10.00 at Burt's Bees (such a steal!).

Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Renewal Oil Nourishing Styling Treatment

I recently rediscovered this product on my shelf after years of ignoring it. It was something I bought for myself after a hairstylist used it on my hair at the salon, and promptly forgot about when I moved onto something cheaper and better. At the time, I guess it wasn't worth remembering - but now, I'm so happy I found it again! This product will definitely be a staple in my beauty routine from now on for its hydrating and smoothing properties. I love using this oil on my hair after I get out of the bathtub or shower at night to smooth down flyaways and repair split ends. This works great as not only a deep moisturizing treatment, the way I mostly use it, but also as a styling treatment for blow-drying, heat-styling or even air-drying. As someone with wavy, frizzy hair, this product has made an amazing difference in the way I wear and style my hair, and I can't possibly imagine going back to anything else. Get it for $22.95 at Sexy Hair.

Maybelline Dream Velvet Foundation

Okay, switching back to face after my brief detour into hair! The Maybelline Dream Velvet Foundation was a fairly recent purchase, but it's not the foundation itself that made its way into my all-time favorites; rather, it's the way I've been using it lately. Don't get me wrong: the Maybelline Dream Velvet foundation is great on its own! Originally, I bought it as a lighter foundation for summer, but was pleasantly surprised by the amount of coverage it provides. It goes on as a cream but dries matte, so it's buildable and offers great light-to-medium coverage. However, lately I've been mixing a little bit of the Maybelline Dream Velvet Foundation in with my sunscreen in the morning and using it as a primer. This allows me to get as much, or as little, coverage as I desire on a particular day - for example, if I'm feeling brave, I might go out with just a little mascara and filled-in brows, but if I need a little more coverage, I layer a powder foundation on top of it before finishing my makeup. Get the Maybelline Dream Velvet Foundation for $10.99 at Maybelline.

BareMinerals Loose Powder Matte Foundation SPF 15

As you'll probably see throughout this post, BareMinerals is one of my favorite beauty brands, if not my number one favorite, of all-time! I received BareMinerals' Loose Powder Matte Foundation for free as a thank you for participating in their Sleep in the Bare event with my sorority. Lately, I've been loving using it on top of a combination of SPF and a light foundation. This powder foundation works great to build coverage on top of a preexisting base. Plus, its golden undertones bring warmth to my face without leaving my combination skin shiny or oily-looking. In short, it's basically a miracle - and you have to try it. (And did I mention it's SPF 15? I low-key just found this out doing research for this post...just when I thought it couldn't get any better!) Get it for $28.50 at BareMinerals.

Nyx Dark Circle Concealer

I happen to possess a lucky genetic trait that gives me deep, puffy dark bags under my eyes. Regardless of how much sleep I get at night, they never go away. I've tried dozens of luxury concealers to try and cover my dark circles, but ironically nothing works better than this $6.00 concealer from Nyx. The concealer contains orange undertones that help to negate the purple in your under-eye circles, but don't worry: it won't leave you looking like an Oompa Loompa. In fact, it's one of the most natural-looking concealers I've ever used - and it doesn't crease like literally every other drugstore blend. That's right - it's matte, it's not greasy and it won't wrinkle like the back of an old lady's hand by the end of the night. So, what are you waiting for? Grab it for $6.00 from Nyx today! 

Pixi Natural Brow Duo

Brows are tricky territory for me, because while I have dark brown hair, my eyebrows aren't nearly as dark as the hair on top of my head. However, most traditional eyebrow pencil companies make only a brown and a blonde pencil, while I tend to fall somewhere in-between. Usually, if I buy the darker pencil, I end up looking like Freida Kahlo, and if I buy the light pencil, no one will ever know I filled in my brows at all (and not in the good way). That's where Pixi's Natural Brow Duo comes into play. Thankfully, they make a light brown pencil so I don't have to submit to either one of those two extremes! It's also a duo, so you get both a brow pencil and a tinted brow gel in one handy, convenient package. Not only are Pixi's products free from many chemicals and cruelty-free, but they're also easy to pick up at your local Target on the cheap. Get it for $16.00 at you-know-where!

BareMinerals Lash Domination Volumizing Mascara

A lot of people tend to think that all mascaras are the same, but I disagree, if only because this mascara is so different from any I've ever tried before. I love the Lash Domination mascara for the way the uniquely-shaped brush catches my lashes to lengthen, strengthen and blacken them. Plus, this mascara is so waterproof - I cannot possibly emphasize how waterproof it is, other than saying that I'm constantly waking up with last night's mascara smeared under my eyes, even after I've washed my makeup off for the night. (And as someone who tends to tear up at things as stupid as cute puppies in commercials, waterproofing is key for me.) I've been using this mascara for at least 2-3 years now, and now that I've gone Lash Domination, I don't think I can go back! Try it for yourself for $19.00 at BareMinerals.

BareMinerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Boss

I have to rave about one last BareMinerals product (I told you there would be a lot of BareMinerals here!): the Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Boss. This is another product I received for free at the Sleep in the Bare event with my sorority, which is how I know that this shade looks absolutely fantastic on everyone. In my chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, we have tons of girls with a wide variety of different lip shapes, skin tones and more, yet this color looks so incredible on every. Single. One. It's literally gotten to the point where we can recognize when someone we know is wearing that color, and without fail, that girl is always showered in compliments! The best part? A little goes a long way, so this color will not only earn you tons of attention, but it will also last you FOR-EV-ER! If you don't believe me, you have to try it on...get the Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Boss for $18.00 at BareMinerals.

Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer in Fig

I have had this lip shimmer since I was about 10 years old, and honestly, as a grown-ass woman I still love this product just as much as I did back then! Burt's Bees' entire line is all-around amazing, but their chapsticks and lip shimmers in particular excel. I love this lip shimmer because it's the perfect my-lips-but-better tint for days when you need just a little bit of color. Target describes this lip tint as "a rich, vibrant plum color," but personally, I think it goes on a little bit redder than that. Unlike other lip tints, the color from this lip shimmer lasts, and lasts, and lasts throughout your entire day. Even after kissing Ryan on the cheek, I don't notice any color on his skin or any less color on my lips! Another plus to using this product? The lip shimmer leaves your mouth with a bit of a minty tingle, making you feel fresh and energetic no matter the time of day. As a cult favorite drugstore brand, Burt's Bees is also highly affordable and perfect for any college girl's budget. Get it for just $4.99 at Target today!

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Sugar Rose

Last but not least, the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment is one of my all-time favorite natural lip colors. Once upon a time, they used to offer this lip treatment as a free birthday gift at Sephora, which was how I fell in love with the color Sugar Rose. I used the entire sample up, and when it ran out, I bought a brand-new tube that I'm still using today! (A little bit gross given how long I've had this, but still true.) Much like the Burt's Bees lip shimmer, the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment is more of a tinted lip balm - rather than leaving you with a pop of color, it adds just a hint of rosiness to your lips, both enhancing them and making them look naturally beautiful :) It's also SPF 15 - which, if you've ever had a lip sunburn (painful, painful, painful), you know is KEY in the hot summer months. Get it for $24.00 at Sephora.

What are your favorite beauty products of all-time? Let me know @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Why It's Okay to Be in a Long-Distance Relationship in College

Hello, beautiful! This post is a bit different than most I've been sharing recently, but I thought it was really important to weigh in on this issue as many of you graduating seniors start to head to college.

Obviously, I can't tell you whether or not you should break up with your boyfriend (or girlfriend or non-binary partner - I'm not one to judge!) before college - only you and your significant other can make that decision for yourselves. However, many posts I read on this subject seem to say that heading into college single is the best and only decision for your future. In short, this post is all the reasons why I think that's completely false!

As a bit of a disclaimer, my boyfriend Ryan and I have been together for over two years now, and the second year of our relationship overlapped with my freshman year of college. Looking back on it, staying together through all of the long nights and exhausting commutes has been tough, but I am so happy I did it and wouldn't change anything about our relationship for the world. I wouldn't want any of my readers to deny themselves that happiness just because an article told them being single was the right thing to do!

I'd also like to clarify that this isn't a post full of reasons to stay with your boyfriend if the relationship isn't working out. Instead, it's a list of reasons why you shouldn't automatically break up with your boyfriend if you don't want to just because you're heading to college in the fall.

When I was a senior in high school and knew I wasn't ready to end my relationship with Ryan, I remembered how disheartening it was to read article after article glorifying the "single life" in college and ripping on long-distance relationships. So, here I am to present the alternative argument for any of you girls who aren't ready to move on just yet: here's 6 awesome reasons why it's okay not to be single during your freshman year of college!

P.S. Check out my feature in As Life Grows' College Relationship Q and A for more of my thoughts on being in a long-distance relationship!

Long distance sucks no matter what...

...not just in college! Admittedly, after experiencing it for a year now, maintaining an LDR in college is tough - much tougher than maintaining an ordinary relationship, or even an LDR outside of college. With a busy schedule that often won't overlap with your significant other's, finding time to connect after a long day can sometimes seem impossible. But even though going the distance in college sucks sometimes, that's no reason to break up with someone who you're ready to take the plunge with. You should make your decision based on whether or not you can see yourself in a long-distance relationship with them period, not strictly because you're going to college.

You'll get to experience many firsts together

Relationships are all about shared experiences, and in college, you'll be experiencing a lot of new things you've never tried before. Whether it's your first party, your first sip of alcohol, your first failed class or your first rejection letter from grad school, there's nothing more special than sharing all of these "firsts" with someone you love. If you can't imagine yourself going through any of these experiences - the good, the bad and the ugly - without your significant other by your side, then don't break up with him just because someone told you you should be single in college! In many ways, your relationship will help you make the most of these experiences - and it won't hold you back like some may suggest.

Freshman year is an emotional time

Heading off to college is difficult. You're leaving behind your friends, your family, your home and completely starting over in a new town and a new school full of new people and places - which can be just as scary and sad as it is exciting! Honestly, my freshman year of college was an emotional rollercoaster, and I'm not sure I would have survived it without Ryan by my side. As long as you can see your significant other being your shoulder to cry on and your ear to listen during this time, rather than someone who will worsen your emotional transition, it's worth considering a long-distance relationship instead of just breaking up.

Technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch

I have to commend all of my ancestors who were ever in an LDR, because being in a long-distance relationship in the days of old-fashioned letter-writing must have been excruciatingly difficult. Today, with inventions like FaceTime and 24/7 texting, maintaining a healthy relationship from miles away has become easier than ever. There's even websites designed specifically for couples in long-distance relationships - check out this awesome list of 130 online and real-time activities from LDR Magazine for just a sample of all the technology that's out there. So, if your greatest concern about a long-distance relationship is that you'll miss each other too much, remember all the amazing resources the world has made available right at your fingertips! I feel so incredibly blessed that no matter where I am, hearing Ryan's voice is only ever a phone call away.

An LDR will test the strength of your trust in one another

In many ways, maintaining a healthy relationship is all about faith - having faith not just in the other person, but also faith in yourself. If you're someone who gets jealous, suspects your significant other of cheating or knows your S.O. has lied to you (or that you've lied to them) in the past, then a long-distance relationship will only bring these problems further into the vanguard of your relationship. On the other hand, if you have a strong, healthy connection with one another supplemented by a deep and lasting trust, a long-distance relationship can highlight all the already beautiful and wonderful aspects of your relationship. If you know you trust your significant other, then don't let go of that faith just because you're heading off to college away from home. Test it, and prove to yourselves just how strong your relationship truly is! 

True love will wait

Any couple in a long distance relationship knows the truth behind these words: true love will wait! If you really, truly love someone, that person will wait as long as they have to before you can be together again. Taking the plunge into a long-distance relationship defies all the odds, and all the people who say that being single in college is the best way to go. It's a stunning gesture that proves your genuine love and deep commitment to one another. Though many people will tell you it's unlikely to marry your high school sweetheart, or even stay with them for longer than a few years, I think any couple that's willing to wait four years to see each other every day again has a better chance of making it than most :)

What are your thoughts on long-distance relationships? Would you (or have you) ever gone the distance? LMK @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!

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Monday, July 17, 2017

10 Things Every College Girl Should Do For Her Health

Hello, beautiful! Today, I'm here to get just a lil' bit serious with you about an important subject: your health.

Lots of college kids make the mistake of putting off their health, saying that they're young and don't need to think about those things until they're an adult. However, building strong habits now when you're in your 20s will make it easier to establish healthy habits as an adult.

I think it's super important to take care of our bodies - after all, you only get one in this life! (Depending on what you believe, of course.) So, I put together a short list of 10 easy ways you can take better care of yourself now, to improve your health later in life! Check them out below :)

1. Use a birth control method.

I'm starting off with a bit of a contentious one - but let me explain what I mean: every girl should use a birth control method (emphasis on the "a"). What that method is depends on your personal preferences and beliefs, of course!

Using a birth control method is an important sign of respect for your body. If you're sexually active, it shows that taking responsibility for your own sexual health is important to you - and, as an added bonus, birth control can help tackle other health problems such as endometriosis and acne, even if you're not having sex.

Though many people think of birth control as a pill or an implanted device, hormones aren't the only way to regulate your menstrual cycle. There's the copper IUD for one - or, the FAM method. If you haven't heard of the Fertility Awareness Method (aka the FAM method), it's a way of taking control of your cycle without any added hormones or devices. 

If you want to learn more about your periods and how to chart your fertility, visit Groove's website for a free 7-day e-course on your menstrual cycle. I took it about a year ago, and I have to say it completely transformed the way I view my body and all of its signs!

2. Visit a gynecologist.

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, girls should start getting annual gynecological screenings around their 13th birthday and pap smears by their 21st. If you've never had a gynecological exam, here's a quick guide to what it is and what it feels like.

It's important to take your gynecological exams seriously, especially once you start getting pap smears. Pap smears test for cervical cancer and HPV, an STD that can put you at a higher risk of cervical cancer (though if you've had the Gardasil vaccine series, like many college girls have, you're already protected against HPV!). If you want to know more about what a pap smear is and what it feels like, here's a quick rundown from Healthline.

Getting a pap smear basically determines whether or not the cells on your cervix (the lower part of your uterus that extends into the vagina) are normal or abnormal. But while an abnormal result can be scary, most of the time it doesn't mean they're cancerous. If your cells are abnormal, you might simply need a pap smear more often than every 3 years, and your doctor will probably keep a watchful eye for any changes in your cervix.

3. Track your period.

If you're still the gal who rolls into the doctor's office and has to look at a calendar to guess when her last period started, now's the time to start tracking your periods! 

In case you haven't heard my spiel yet, I'm an ambassador for the period-tracking app Clue, an app I personally use and fully endorse for its progressive features and forward-thinking research. If you're someone who cares about pushing women's health forward, you should totally download Clue!

Clue's period-tracking app not only makes some careful analysis of your period symptoms, but also collects the data (with your permission, of course) to use in some of its research studies, which Clue often performs in tandem with other research entities like universities and organizations. For example, you might have heard that with its research, Clue proved false the long-held assumption that women's cycles "sync up" when they spend a lot of time together.

One other thing I love about Clue is its ability to generate printable reports for your doctor, your partner, your family, your therapist or anyone else who might need access to your health history. You can also share your cycle info with anyone who downloads the Clue app - so, encourage your partner (or your roommate) to download the app and arm up with chocolate when the time comes!

4. Switch to natural products. 

So many of the products we use every day might actually be harming our health without us even knowing it! According to Mint and Berry, the average adult is exposed to 168 hazardous chemicals every darn day. For example, if you have sensitive skin or acne, toxins in your skincare, body care and even cleaning products might be to blame. 

There's lots of reasons why you should switch to natural and organic skin, body and home-care products. For one thing, your skin is the most absorbent organ in your body, meaning any of the toxins in these products are easily soaked into the bloodstream. For another, as women, hazardous chemicals in our everyday environments can cause health problems later in life with our fertility and even in our future children.

Thus, switching to natural skin and beauty products, as well as cleaning products, can help you minimize the toxins in your environment, and therefore the number of toxins absorbed into your bloodstream. So, show your body some love and switch to natural and organic products!

5. Cut back on dairy. 

As a vegan, let me tell you: ditching dairy can make an unbelievable difference in your overall health! If you suffer from acne, period cramps, indigestion or inflammation, it might be time to nix the dairy products in your diet.

You might be wondering, what's so wrong with dairy? After all, we're taught that it's a key component of that perfect food pyramid from middle school. Well, milk might be nature's perfect food - but as Dr. Mark Hyman puts it, only if you're a calf! 

My senior year of high school, a speaker came in to teach us all a little more about nutrition. When she spoke, she taught us all about the risks of dairy - specifically the hormones in dairy. If you're someone like me who suffers from period problems like acne, headaches and fierce cramps, the hormones in dairy can create an imbalance in your body. 

That day was the first day I ever tried to go vegan, and while I eventually reverted a month later, I tried again and have been successfully following a vegan diet for almost half a year now! 

6. Get tested.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to get yourself tested regularly for STDs - at least once a year if you're sexually active, and anytime you have a new sexual partner. 

If you're not sexually active, you should start getting tested as soon as you decide to become sexually active. Even if someone says they're a virgin, you never know what someone else's sexual history truly looks like until you see a negative result on their STD test! 

More than half of all people will have an STD at some point in their lives, so even if you don't think you have one, it's super important to make sure! After all, wouldn't you much rather tell that cute guy "I've been tested and I'm good to go" than "I don't think I have any but I'm not sure"?

HPV, aka human papilloma virus, is the most common STD by far - and it's especially dangerous for young women, since it can lead to cervical changes and eventually even cancer. Luckily, there's an additional step you can take to prevent the spread of HPV besides getting tested and using a barrier: the Gardasil shot! Most people my age and younger received the full series of shots long before they became sexually active, but if you haven't already been vaccinated against HPV, you can still get it anytime before your 27th birthday.

7. Practice self-care.

I'm a firm believer that your mental health is just as important as, if not more important than, your physical health! Poor mental health puts you at risk for a whole host of diseases, which is why - as the World Health Organization writes - "there is no health without mental health!" 

Mental illnesses like depression and schizophrenia have been linked to increased death rates from heart disease, cancer, respiratory illnesses and more. Personally, I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and depression, and I can attest that these illnesses can take a physical toll, from lower energy levels to relentless aches and pains. So, taking care of your mental health should always take priority, since it will ultimately improve your physical health in the long run! 

If you haven't read my post on self-care, here's a few good reasons why you need to commit to start taking better care of yourself today:

  1. Self-care is a sign of respect for your mind and body. To show yourself how much you care about your own personal well-being, including your physical and mental health, take as little as 30 short minutes out of your day for self-care!
  2. Stress takes a toll on your body...and self-care is an amazing way to relieve stress! After all, what better way to relax than doing the things your mind, body and soul love to do?
  3. You'll feel so much better after a little self-care. If your life has been missing that brightness and motivation lately, taking a little time for self-care might just be the thing to help you get back in the game.

8. Say no at least once a week.

In my opinion, the biggest health crisis facing Americans today is stress. It's proven that chronic stress knocks years off your lifespan, places you at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases and increases your risk for obesity, Alzheimer's and more.

I know I've felt the physical and mental effects of stress in my own life, so I can attest to how important it is to carve out a break in your week. There have been times during an especially busy semester of my life when my only free night of the week was the one night I looked forward to the most.

In college, it can be incredibly tempting to say yes to every offer that comes your way - especially your freshman year, when you're self-conscious and worried you won't make friends if you don't go out every. Single. Night.

However, as someone who's survived it, I can promise you you WILL make friends even if you say no to going out on a Wednesday or Thursday night. So, I encourage you to say no to something at least once a week to preserve your valuable alone time - as they say on airplanes, put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others!

9. Limit your drinking.

Real talk, you guys: I'm not about to tell you that you should never drink ever, because that's simply not realistic...unless, like me, you're on antidepressants that could kill you if you drink :)

Seriously, though: I urge you to be aware of two things when it comes to drinking: what you're drinking and how much you're drinking. You not only need to know how much alcohol you're drinking, but you should also be aware that alcohol really isn't that good for you - many types contain lots of sugar, calories and other not-so-great-things for your body - so try to enjoy it in moderation!

You'll likely hear a lot of advice about drinking before and during college, but I promise we're all just looking out for your safety! Personally, here's the advice that helped me the most my freshman year and beyond - I promise it won't be as cheesy as Alcohol Edu:

  • Never, EVER drive drunk. 'Nuff said.
  • Set a limit. When I go out, I never have more than three drinks. For me, my body hits a natural wall where I stop feeling good and start getting tired. That's how I know that I'm on the downhill and I need to be done drinking. 
  • Pour your own drinks. Everyone knows a friend (or frat boy) who over-pours. That's why I'd 100% recommend mixing your own drinks. You can even measure out your alcohol in a shot glass first so you know exactly how much you're drinking of what!
  • Never lose sight of your drink. Even when you go into that gross frat house bathroom, make sure you have your drink within your line of sight at all times. As much as I'd like to tell you that getting drugged and raped is unlikely, sexual assault is a real problem that requires vigilance and outreach to address - so, until Joe Biden's advice to young men becomes the law of the land, don't lose sight of your drink!
  • Know what to do in an emergency. I know this isn't fun to talk about, but it's important nonetheless! If a friend or even someone you don't know ever drinks so much that they collapse or become unresponsive, it might be a sign of alcohol poisoning. My best advice in this situation, TBH, would be to call 911. A lot of people I know would be too afraid of getting in trouble to call the authorities, but personally, I'd rather risk punishment than risk a dear friend's life. (Plus, in some places, you might even be protected from prosecution for underage drinking if you get caught for saving someone's life.)

10. Learn what you like.

Finally, I'm going to finish off the list the same way I started it: with sex! (Cue the song from Pitch Perfect.)

As awkward as this is to discuss on the Internet (TBH, I can't believe I'm typing this sentence right now), learning what you like in bed is SO important for your mental health. I know that sounds weird, but really! If you're someone who's sexually active and in a serious relationship, you won't believe what a difference it makes in your relationship dynamics when you understand your own sexual preferences. When you're in-tune with your body, you're able to tell your partner exactly what you want, instead of expecting them to read your mind. Better communication during sex = fewer arguments and more orgasms. (On a side note, I'm fairly confident that this is the answer to world peace.)

Obviously, the best and most classic way to learn what you like is to explore your body in private. Solo sex is a great way to learn what you like and try new things - after all, you're probably more relaxed in your own bed than you are in a stranger's, or even your boyfriend's. The goal is then to you  take those new "skills" you've learned and apply them to your sexual experiences with partners later in life.

The last piece of advice I'll leave you with on this topic is to simply learn as much as you can about sex, and don't be afraid to discuss it. Ask your friends questions! (They're your friends for a reason: they better be able to keep a secret.) Or, check out YouTube channels and websites - heck, even porn . While they might not be 100% scientific or realistic, at least they'll get you more comfortable with your sexuality and give you the vocabulary you need to express your own desires.

I actually learned a lot from Laci Green and Hannah Witton, two sexual health YouTubers with tons of informative videos. In fact, Hannah's channel also turned me on to a second amazing website called OMG Yes, a paid subscription service designed for women to learn how to access their sexual pleasure in different ways. For $40.00, you get lifetime access to a bunch of videos and even interactive simulations to show you new ways to enjoy sex, whether with a partner or on your own.

What's the most important thing you do for YOUR health? Let me know @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!

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Friday, July 14, 2017

30-Day Self-Love Challenge + Free Printables!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Don't worry - all opinions are still my own. These links simply help to keep Haley Marie Blog alive and well! 

Hello, beautiful! In case you missed my post 12 Ways to Love Yourself Right Now, I'm here again promoting one of my favorite topics: self-love!

You might be wondering - what does self-love have to do with being a #girlboss in college? Well, I think if we all loved ourselves a little bit more, we'd stop being our own roadblocks and get out of the way of our own success.

That's why if you want to get better grades, feel less stressed-out and land the perfect internship, self-love is a necessity - it's not an option, and it's not selfish! Think of it the way you think of homework, or college applications: self-love is just another thing you need to do for yourself to help yourself achieve your dreams.

Unfortunately, there's no manual for self-love. In fact, society tells us loving ourselves is selfish and weird, and that we should prioritize our career, our family and just about everything else before our own well-being - when in reality, everything else suffers when we don't love ourselves!

That's what this 30-day summer self-love challenge is all about: learning the lessons they don't teach you in school about how to love yourself and put yourself first. But first, I want to take a moment to tell you about an awesome resource from my fellow blogger over at Blessing Manifesting. 

Blessing Manifesting offers a Self-Love Bundle with tons of incredible resources like ebooks, journal prompts and more for just $89. All together, you'll get 30 days of self-love notes, 7 days of selfie prompts, 3 weeks of journal prompts, 4 ebooks, 12 weeks of self-love printables, meditations, workbooks and more, and the 2017 Self Love Workbook. Click here to purchase the package through my affiliate link and you'll be supporting both Blessing Manifesting's amazing self-love mission and Haley Marie Blog!

Now, without further ado, let's jump into the 30-Day Summer Self-Love Challenge - and be sure to scroll to the bottom to find out how to get your free printable version + self-love questionnaire! 

Journal for 10 minutes uninterrupted.

Taking time out of your busy schedule to get to know and understand yourself better can completely transform your life in ways you wouldn't even believe. So, today, try setting a timer for 10 minutes and free-writing whatever emotions, thoughts, feelings and desires come to mind. The most important thing? Making sure you won't be interrupted! Do whatever it takes to get some valuable alone time, whether it's locking yourself in the break room or warning your family and friends about this challenge.

Listen to a self-love meditation.

You probably already know all about the benefits of meditation on your mind and body, but what about for your self-esteem? There are tons of meditations out there specially designed to help you love yourself more. If you didn't already download it for my 2017 Whole Body Reset, try the app Meditation Studio - for just $3.99, you'll get unlimited access to tons of meditations, including plenty on the topic of self-love.

Use self-love affirmations.

Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? Basically, it states (in different words, of course) that our vibes attract our tribe - in other words, by thinking positively about a situation, you can actually attract a positive outcome! The same is true of loving yourself: by using affirmations like "I love myself," "I respect myself" and "I accept myself," you can actually change the way you see yourself - even if you don't already feel that way! Fake it until you make it, as they say...

Eat intuitively.

Most people are so busy that eating is just another step in their day, rather than something they actually savor and enjoy. So, today, I challenge you to sit down and really tune in to how you're feeling while you eat! Take note of your hunger signals, eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full - and don't forget to take special notice of the color, taste, texture, sight and smell of your food. As weird and even gross as this might seem at first, slowing down to pay attention to your food can change eating from an ordinary everyday activity to a true act of self-love.

Turn off your phone 30 minutes before bed.

It's important to honor your body's need for sleep - and turning off your phone early can help you get the shut-eye you need. Additionally, logging off before bedtime is not just a healthy sleep habit, but also the perfect opportunity to spend some time alone before you go to bed. Instead of texting your friends or scrolling through Instagram, try using those 30 minutes to do some journaling, take a warm bath or enjoy a nice, warm mug of tea or decaf coffee before bed. You might just find your sleep and your mood improving over time!

Engage your senses.

Ever felt like you lost touch with your senses throughout the day? Maybe you're so focused on your work that you tune out with the sounds, sights and smells around you - or, you're listening so intently to your boss's words that you forget to notice your own hunger cues. Today, try to find a few ways to get in touch with each and every one of your senses in some small way. For example...
  • Sight: watch a favorite movie, watch a positive TED talk, color in a coloring book or eat lunch in a scenic locale
  • Touch: ask your partner to give you a massage, apply lotion or essential oils, go to a yoga class or play with play-dough or a stress ball
  • Smell: burn a candle, diffuse an essential oil, put on a favorite perfume or bake something delicious
  • Hearing: create a positive playlist, listen to a podcast, work in a busy coffee shop, listen to a guided meditation or sing in the shower
  • Taste: cook your favorite meal, drink a cup of coffee or tea, try a new restaurant with a friend or savor a piece of dark chocolate

Try yoga.

Yoga is the perfect practice to adopt during this challenge, since one of the values at its core is self-love. With yoga, you can learn how to better tune into your emotions as well as to the movement of your body.  Since yoga classes can be a little pricey, try Yoga with Adriene's free videos, like Confidence Boost Yoga or Yoga for Love. Her inspirational, personalized approach to yoga will teach you how to appreciate yourself where you are right now! 

Write down five big goals for the future.

What would you do if nothing was stopping you? We probably all have goals that our friends and families (or college advisors, cough cough) convinced us were "realistic," but what about those big dreams that might not be so practical? Well, tonight's the night to put all thoughts of reality aside and dream as big as you can! Take this opportunity to write down at least five big dreams you have, and how you plan to achieve them - turning the unattainable into the attainable :) 

Spend $0.00 today.

Believe it or not, the way you relate to money says a lot about your emotional well-being. Lots of people (myself included) shop to fill the emotional holes in their life, whether it's caused by boredom, sadness or restlessness. So, today, set your budget for $0.00 and see how much fun you can have with what you already own. Building an increased appreciation for what you already have, rather than always striving for more, will help you love your life even more. 

Track your water intake. 

Hydration is key to keeping your body happy and healthy - and honoring your body is the perfect way to love yourself. Drinking enough water might seem simple, but if you actually track how much water you drink in a day, you might be shocked by how far below the eight glasses a day standard you actually fall. Make it your goal today to get at least eight glasses - or more! I once read that Gal Gadot, aka Wonder Woman, drinks at least a gallon of water every day, so clearly hydration is crucial to treating yourself like the superwoman you are.

Do a write-and-burn.

I learned about write-and-burns from Lucie Fink's video, 5 Days of Personal Acceptance and Self-Confidence - in it, she wrote down her top five biggest regrets on a slip of paper and burned them with a lighter in her kitchen sink.  Literally burning your regrets can help you love yourself more by erasing your worries and revealing all the things you have to be grateful for. But, make sure to be safe about it: no open windows or gentle breezes allowed! 

Read a book of poetry. 

Poetry was something I used to love back in middle school, but haven't followed for awhile now - I love it because of the way it makes you think about the way you relate to yourself and others. Plus, it's just downright beautiful! My personal favorite poem is Maya Angelou's Still I Rise, which is - no surprise here - the greatest self-love anthem ever written. So, pick up a book of poetry today and try to find yourself within the pages. You might just be surprised by what you discover!

Enjoy a mindful drink.

Getting coffee or tea is an important morning ritual for many of us - but it's one we often take for granted. How many times a week do you stop by your local drive-through Starbucks for a Venti iced, only to find yourself chugging the entire thing in 20 minutes? This challenge is all about slowing down to enjoy the little things in life, like your daily cup of coffee or tea! By actually tasting the coffee going over your tongue and expressing gratitude for the small things like this, eventually you'll find yourself feeling more loving and open to everything in your life. 

Create a gratitude jar.

Speaking of gratitude, the happiest people in the world have an active and flowing gratitude practice. Showing gratitude for your family, your friends and everything that makes you special can help boost your self-love and confidence. So, today, find a recycled jar and fill it with things that make you happy and thankful. Next time you experience something remarkable, special or joyful, make note of it and toss it in the jar - that way, at the end of the year, you have an entire jar full of things to be grateful for! 

Buy yourself flowers. 

So many of us wait for an important holiday as an excuse to get flowers - so instead of waiting for Prince Charming to swoop by on Valentine's Day, stop by Trader Joe's or your favorite local mart and pick up a beautiful bouquet. Brightening your office space with flowers is a quick and easy way to boost your mood. Plus, getting yourself a gift like flowers shows you love and appreciate yourself just as much as the dozens of other people you buy gifts for every year.

Write yourself a thank you note.

Speaking of things you do for other people, you probably say "thank you" a dozen times a day - but how many times do you thank yourself for the things you do for YOU every day? That's what today's challenge is all about! Using your nicest stationary and prettiest pen, jot down all the reasons why you're thankful for who you are and what you've done for yourself. You might just find a spark of self-love glowing inside :)

Go to bed early.

As I mentioned before, getting enough sleep at night is one of the most important expressions of self-love there is! So many of us obsess over the "trendy" things like meditation and yoga, but forget the basics like eating and sleeping enough. So, tonight, tuck yourself into bed an hour or two earlier than you usually do - in the morning, your extra energy will thank you for it!

Break up with negativity.

After my freshman year of college, I realized a lot of the friendships I had in high school were actually pretty toxic. Negativity can be a drag - after all, dealing with negative people takes up a lot of your time and energy, leaving less of that valuable energy for achieving your goals. So, today, vow to break up with at least one negative force in your life. Whether it's an unhealthy relationship or the number on the scale, breaking up with negativity will lift an incredibly huge weight off your shoulders, allowing much more room for love in your life!

Complete the self-love questionnaire. 

Want to get a sense of your progress after almost 20 days of this self-love challenge? Take the self-love questionnaire in my free printable library! This printable resource will help you analyze and find new ways to boost your love for yourself. Simply click here to sign up for my email list and get access to the questionnaire 100% for free :) 

Try meditative walking.

If you struggle with quieting your mind during meditation, I urge you to try meditative walking! Instead of sitting still with your eyes closed while you meditate, you actually listen to the meditation's guidance while you're going for a gentle walk. Personally, I find that the fresh air and beauty of nature helps me tune out better than traditional techniques. So, today's self-love challenge is to use a free app like Stop, Breathe & Think or Simple Habit to try out meditative walking! You might just find that you love this new approach to meditation more than any other you've tried. 

Create something! 

As a content creator, pumping out creative blog posts is a huge source of self-esteem for me. However, something you might not know about me is that I also love to create traditional art as well! Ryan and I actually met in our high school art class - I might be biased, but how cute is that? :) Whether it's drawing or watercoloring, I find that creating something out of nothing helps me find a deeper sense of appreciation for myself and what I'm capable of doing. Today, I dare you to try it out for yourself!

Read a book of poetry. 

Poetry was something I used to love back in middle school, but haven't followed for awhile now - I love it because of the way it makes you think about the way you relate to yourself and others. Plus, it's just downright beautiful! My personal favorite poem is Maya Angelou's Still I Rise, which is - no surprise here - the greatest self-love anthem ever written. Pick up a book of poetry today and try to find yourself within the pages. You might just be surprised by what you discover!

Make a list of five things you LOVE doing (& do one!).

Oftentimes, happiness is much closer than we think. We might think doing that one thing to make us happier feels impossible, when in reality, all it would take is getting off our couches and doing it! So, today, make a list of five things you love to do with all your heart - not things you think should make you happy, but things that make you really, truly, genuinely joyful. Then, make it a point to do at least one thing off your list today (and enjoy the smile on your face when you do!). 

Try the ABCDE technique.

The ABCDE technique is a way of overcoming negative beliefs about yourself and the world around you - aka another way to show yourself self-love! According to Steps for Stress, here are the steps to practicing the ABCDE technique. All you'll need is a journal and something to write with! 
  • Adversity. What's the negative situation you're facing right now? Whether it's stress at work or bad grades in a summer class, spend as much time as you need confronting the reality of your problem.
  • Beliefs. This is the subjective part of your experience - in other words, what are the negative thoughts running through your mind? Some examples might be "I feel stupid because I failed that test" or "I'm scared I'm going to screw up again at work."
  • Consequences. Our thoughts influence our behavior, which is why it's so important to nip negative thoughts in the bud. So, this part is all about writing down what behaviors are likely to result as a consequence of your negative beliefs - for example, if you feel stupid, you might hinder yourself from taking a tough class even though you love the subject.
  • Disputation. This is the fun part: disputing your negative thoughts is basically fancy talk for "argue with yourself!" Look for reasons why your negative thoughts aren't true or don't make sense, and try to reason yourself toward thinking more positively.
  • Energy! Finally, notice the difference in your thoughts, feelings and - most importantly - love for yourself after you've disputed your negative thoughts. Chances are, you'll experience a sudden burst of energy that encourages you to get through the rest of your day! 

Create a morning ritual.

Now that we're nearing the end of the challenge, it's time to start thinking about ways to continue loving yourself after this challenge is over. Creating a morning ritual centered around self-love is one great way to do it! Whatever your favorite part of this challenge has been - maybe it's meditating, journaling or creating art - set a goal to do it every day as part of your morning ritual. 

Practice manifesting.

As a Pinterest quote put it so wisely, "What you think about all day is what you end up manifesting." In other words, manifestation is the practice of bringing positive events into being by clearly visualizing them. One way I love to practice manifestation is by writing things down over and over and over again as if they were true. For example, if I wanted to manifest more money into my bank account, I might write in my journal "I am wealthy," "I have an abundance of money" and "I live a luxurious lifestyle." Today, try manifesting 1-3 goals into being by writing them down as if they were already true - you might be surprised by the difference this makes in your life!

Learn your Myers-Briggs type. 

One important step toward loving yourself better is understanding yourself better. My personal favorite way to gain a better understanding of myself is personality quizzes - and what better personality quiz than the O.G. Myers-Briggs test? My current fave is the site I'm an INFP - comment your personality type below!

Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

If you haven't already, reading Big Magic is a must-do for anyone who identifies as a creative and wants to learn to let go of fear. Even if you don't already see yourself as creative, Big Magic can help you uncover new creative possibilities within yourself - giving you even more reasons to love and respect yourself for who you are.

Take yourself on a date.

When you love a guy, you don't hesitate to take him on a special night out - but how many times a year do you do that for yourself? So, tonight, don't wait for an excuse to get dressed up. Instead, take yourself out on a date tonight to your favorite restaurant, buy yourself some flowers and amp up the romance! Show yourself you love yourself the same way any good guy would.

Write about what you learned.

Congratulations - you made it to the 30th day of this challenge! If you've gotten all the way here, you've probably learned a thing or two about self-love, and about yourself in the process. So, the last challenge of this 30-day adventure in self-love is to set another timer for 10 minutes (just like we did at the start of this challenge!) and spend some time free-writing about what you've learned. If you've uncovered something new about yourself, accomplished something you didn't think you could or overcame a longtime fear of yours, you might find you have a lot to write about :) 

To Get the Printable Version + Self-Love Questionnaire...

Want to get a helpful printable reminding you of the steps in this 30-day challenge (plus my bonus self-love questionnaire!)? Get both printables 100% for free by following the three simple steps below!

  1. Subscribe to my newsletter, Haley Marie Monthly, by entering your information below.
  2. Check your email to confirm your subscription.
  3. A confirmation email will hit your inbox with the link and password to my free printables library - be sure to bookmark it for future reference! ;)

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