Friday, November 24, 2017

How to Decorate Your College Apartment on a Budget

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, aka paid-for link-backs that help keep Haley Marie Blog alive. But don't worry: all of the opinions in this post are still my own!

Hello, beautiful! This semester, I moved into my first-ever apartment - which, if I'm being honest, was one of the most intimidating experiences of my life.

For the first time, I've had to worry about things like washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom and mopping floors, yes. But, more importantly, I've also had the difficulty of wanting to make a sterile college apartment feel like home. I wanted to know that when me and Arielle welcomed our friends into our space, they would know the apartment was ours - and that when we came home at the end of a long night, we would feel like we were coming home.

Decor is one of the simplest (and cheapest) ways to make an apartment feel like home without renovating, repainting or otherwise spending tons of money. Here, I'll be sharing some of my top tips for decorating an apartment without breaking the bank! (Hint: I'll be mentioning the Target Dollar Spot a lot.)

Get an apartment you can afford.

First thing's first: if you want to be able to afford to decorate your apartment, you need to rent an apartment that's within your means. Thankfully, apartment housing is available on-campus at my university, so I didn't have to shell out the money for rent. 

At least in the city, where I live, the price of rent skyrockets as soon as you venture beyond college borders. So, whenever possible, I would definitely recommend on-campus housing as a more affordable alternative to renting an off-campus apartment! Otherwise, check out this handy rent calculator to find out what you can afford to pay - and stick to your budget. No excuses!

Compare prices.

My first word of advice? Don't jump the gun on apartment decor - especially when it comes to making big purchases like furniture. You'll want to compare prices between many major retailers before you spring for that lamp, couch or ottoman! 

One of my top tips? Check, a site that compiles sales on high-quality furniture to offer you the lowest prices available. Unexpectedly, sites like Amazon are also a wonderful place to get deals on furniture that would otherwise cost you a pretty penny indeed.

Shop the Dollar Store.

The Dollar Store might not seem like the chicest place to shop for apartment decor, but it's actually an awesome option - especially for storage staples like food storage, baskets and bins. Another great purchase to make at the Dollar Store? Picture frames, which would otherwise run for upwards of $10.00 a pop.

Even if the options they have at the Dollar Store aren't always the cutest ones around, you can always upgrade a cheap Dollar Store piece into something beautiful. For example, I bought food storage bins at my local Dollar Store and upgraded them with cursive labels printed off my laptop. It cost me no more than $10 in total, and is both a pretty and functional way to keep my pantry organized.

Stick to a color scheme.

The simplest way by far to make a college apartment look classy AF is to stick to one unified color scheme throughout the entire place. One or two main colors, plus one or two accent colors, makes for a darn gorgeous apartment (not to mention a sane decorator). 

Personally, I prefer lighter color schemes since they bring energy and joy to the room. In less woo-woo terms, lighter colors = more light throughout the space = less artificial light from harsh fluorescent lamps and fewer headaches for Haley. So, everything in my apartment falls into some shade of pink, white or teal, which I love since it makes my space cohesive and gives me a guideline for purchasing new pieces in the future. 

Above all else, however, I recommend choosing colors that make YOU happy, not ones that please someone on the Internet. Period ;) 

Do it yourself.

I'm the crafty type, so it should come as little surprise to anyone who knows me well that I'm a huge advocate of DIY apartment decor. Not only does DIY decor often save you money on the more expensive Anthropologie version, but it also adds a personal touch of your own unique flair to your living space, which is always a positive.

With a hammer and nails, you'd be surprised with what you can throw together without shelling out more than $30-50. Need shelving? There's a DIY for that. Bookcase? There's a DIY for that. Bench seating? There's - you guessed it - a DIY for that, too! Are you sensing a theme here yet or....?

What's your favorite tip for decorating on a budget? LMK @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

How to Host the Ultimate Friendsgiving Party in College

Hello, beautiful! It's the season of gratitude, and Thanksgiving is almost upon us. If you've already found yourself counting down the moments 'til pie and Macy's (me, too!), then you understand what an exciting time this holiday is.

To me, Thanksgiving is such a special holiday because it's completely dedicated to family. In college, I'm lucky enough to get to come home for Thanksgiving every year, since I live just 45 minutes away from home. However, not everyone is as lucky! Some people may not be able to afford a flight home, or don't have homes to go home to due to hardship or alienation.

In these cases we have to make do and celebrate Thanksgiving with the families we've chosen for ourselves - aka our friends! Which is exactly where the concept of Friendsgiving comes into play. Whether you can't make it home for Thanksgiving this year or want a special event dedicated solely to thanking your wonderful friends, hosting a Friendsgiving feast is the perfect way to honor the special friends in your life who have become your family.

Since party planning is a personal passion of mine, I'll be walking you through every step of planning the ultimate Friendsgiving celebration. From food to friends to decor, here's everything you need to know about hosting the perfect party.


First thing's first: the foundation of any Friendsgiving celebration, just like the real deal, is all about the food. And when it comes to celebrating any college feast, you're gonna wanna keep it sweet, simple and cheap! So, here are my recommendations for some easy recipes to wow your friends on a college budget:

  • Enjoy those tasty Thanksgiving flavors without roasting a whole bird with these cranberry turkey pinwheels from This Silly Girl's Kitchen.
  • For your veggie friends, cook up the ultimate comfort food: this creamy mac 'n' cheese recipe from That Which Nourishes.
  • Now, for the event you know they've all been waiting for...dessert! These easy pumpkin pie bites from Sugar Apron will channel all your favorite fall flavors without breaking the bank.
  • And, of course, what Thanksgiving college bash would be complete without nuptials? Toast to Friendsgiving with these festive apple cider jelly shots from Pinterest.


Source: Lovely Indeed

Decorating for Thanksgiving on a college budget is tricky, but I promise it can be done! You could always hit up the Target Dollar Spot and blow your entire paycheck - but here's a more budget-friendly way to get the job done (because let's face it: no one gets out of Target without spending $100+):


That's right: party games aren't just for children anymore. I promise your friends will love these Thanksgiving activities just as much as they love digging into the turkey and stuffing! 

  • For a cute DIY way to give thanks, create this thankful jar from Or So She Says. All you need to do is spray paint some rocks and let your guests write what they're thankful for in Sharpie. Simple and oh-so sophisticated! 
  • Don't argue over who gets to break the wishbone - create these easy clay DIY ones to set your table with from Oh Happy Day.
  • Tic-tac-toe isn't just for kids! You and your friends can still get a kick out of this life-sized fall version of your favorite childhood game. Get the how-to (featuring pumpkins!) from It's Overflowing.
  • Last but not least, there's always one old standby that never fails to get the party going, aka everyone's favorite card game. Pick up a set of Cards Against Humanity for $25 for never-ending laughs this Friendsgiving! 

What's your favorite Thanksgiving tradition for celebrating with friends? LMK in the comments below or @haleymarieblog on social media!

Friday, November 10, 2017

10 Cute Outfits You Can Put Together in 10 Minutes or Less

Hello, beautiful! We all know that feeling: you wake up to the sound of silence, aka your missed alarm, and realize you have 15 minutes until your first class starts.

In those moments, the thought of getting dressed can quickly lead you into struggle city. Some days, you might accidentally spend 20 minutes putting on a cute outfit - others, you might say "f**k it" and put on your baggiest sweats.

Regardless of your personal style, I happen to think that it's important to dress decently for your college classes. Dressing well shows your professors that you're a serious student who's here not just to pass, but to exceed with flying colors.

Whether you like it or not, your clothes say a lot about you - even when your messy bun and stained sweatshirt are a product of waking up thirty minutes too late. So, it's important for every college girl to have a few 10-minute outfits prepared ahead of time, so she knows exactly what to throw on in the event of a last-minute fashion emergency.

These 10 foolproof fashion combinations will teach you exactly how to get ready in 10 minutes or less, while still looking collected AF. Stockpile these essential items in your closet and you'll never be late again, promise!

For a "no pants" kind of day...

10 minute outfit #1

Meet the sweater dress, a classier way to walk around unrestrained by the confines of jeans.

For those venti PSL days...

10 minute outfit #2

Soak up the last seconds of fall in your biggest blanket scarf and brownest leather boots.

For days when you can't deal with your profs...

10 minute outfit #3

Channel that angst into a nineties-inspired look your two-year-old self would be proud of.

For the class-to-gym-to-class days...

10 minute outfit #4

Who says you need to change? Thanks to the athleisure trend, you'll survive with naught but a stick of ladies' deodorant.

For the presentation you remembered literally 10 seconds ago...

10 minute outfit #5

This formula is your friend. 

For when your crush is in your 8am lecture...

10 minute outfit #6

You've only got one outfit with him: make it count! 

For when "10 minutes" is more like "1 minute"...

10 minute outfit #7

Now you got 99 problems but an outfit ain't one. 

For when the effort just isn't worth it...

10 minute outfit #7

At least wear jeans...

For the internship you almost forgot you had...

10 minute outfit #8

Prepare to be asked "Is this your first day on the job?" even if it's your 100th.

For the ultimate bad hair day...

10 minute outfit #9

Hide your hair under a hat and distract them with denim-on-denim.

For when you just can't even...

10 minute outfit #10

Fashion says leggings are pants. I'm taking fashion's word for it.

What's your go-to outfit whenever you're running late? LMK in the comments below or @haleymarieblog on social media!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

8 Apps You Need to Be an A+ Student

Hello, beautiful! Ever since I came to college, grades have been a huge deal to me. I mean, don't get me wrong - they're a big deal to pretty much everyone - but I personally have a lot riding on my GPA.

My scholarship depends on me keeping up a solid average of As and Bs every semester, which is precisely why, when I started to flunk homework assignments in economics, I started to wonder what I could possibly do to improve my grades.

Prior to this point, I've had a GPA of 3.5 for the past two semesters and haven't felt the need to worry about my overall GPA. I'm the kind of girl who works harder when she does badly, pours her heart into each and every writing assignment and has developed carefully-crafted study techniques that work perfectly for her.

So, needless to say, I didn't know what to do when all the strategies I exhausted thus far stopped working - besides get a tutor, of course. Yet even though getting an economics tutor has definitely helped me understand some of the key concepts better, I still haven't been able to figure out why my grades keep deflating so much over the course of the semester. I knew there must be something more I could do to improve my grades that I hadn't quite thought of just yet.

Eventually, I did what I always do in times of struggle: I went to the app store! And, since you're here right now, you might be able to guess that I found some good stuff. While I won't say these apps have cured my struggles in economics, I will say that they've improved my study strategies and renewed my motivation and dedication to my grades.

So, if you're someone who's looking to get a higher GPA this semester, wants to motivate herself to study more or is bored of the same-old strategies that worked for you all through high school, here are the eight apps you NEED to download now to help you become a straight-A student!

My Study Life

Arielle, my roommate, turned me onto the My Study Life app for web and mobile. This is my first semester using it, and I've got to say that I've already noticed a huge difference in my organization and ability to stay on top of assignments. My Study Life is basically a planning app to keep track of your class schedule, assignments and exams. You get notifications every time you have an exam or assignment due, and you can even track your progress as you work on assignments in real-time.

Why it deserves an A+

Every straight-A student I've met has one thing in common: they're all super organized and disciplined! If you want an A+ in any class, you can't just let assignments slip by you - not even the little ones. And, unlike high school, professors no longer warn you about upcoming due dates in college, so being able to keep track of them is key to handing in your assignments on time. My Study Life is the best method I've found that's perfectly geared toward college students when it comes to keeping track of due dates and assignments. Trust me: you'll never write another paper in 24 hours again (unless it's a conscious choice - which, let's face it, happens sometimes in college). 


When I discovered Socratic in the App Store, my jaw practically hit the floor. Socratic is one of the smartest apps on the market today. All you have to do is scan your homework questions and Socratic will automatically locate relevant information on the web - such as formulas, definitions, etc. - to help you out. I like it because it doesn't give me the answers themselves, so I don't feel like I'm cheating; however, it does help me better understand how to solve the questions for myself, so by the time my exam rolls around, I'll be ready to roll.

Why it deserves an A+

When you're struggling in a specific class, you might reach out to a tutor; however, since that tutor is also a college student, they're probably not available every time you need them. That's where Socratic comes in: Socratic provides helpful homework advice comparable to a tutoring session that you can use when tutoring is impossible/inconvenient for you.


I used to always write my notes by hand before college. Now, while I still have a paper notebook for each class (I just can't let go, can I?), I'm slowly getting used to the idea of having my laptop open in class - which is why I love Evernote. Evernote is a cool notetaking app that allows you to create virtual "notebooks" that you can either share with your friends for collaboration, or keep private for your own reference. You can create a notebook for anything you need, whether for something super specific like "History of the Middle East" or as simple as "Random Thoughts."

Why it deserves an A+

Evernote allows you as much flexibility as you want or need when it comes to taking notes. One plus I've found to digital notetaking is the ability to share notes with friends, so you can both be collaborating on the same notes during the same class and pool your collective knowledge. Another upside? You can easily delete errors without the clutter of scratching them out in red pen. Say hello to organization and kiss ugly cat-scratches goodbye! 


I've flip-flopped between many to-do list apps over the years, but Todoist is a classic that I can't let go. Todoist lets you organize your to-dos into "projects," aka sublists that prevent, for example, your weekly shopping list from getting buried in a list of books you want to read next. Todoist also allows you to organize your to-dos by due date, collecting all of the tasks you need to finish today in one list and your to-dos in the next seven days in another.

Why it deserves an A+

I love that Todoist takes a streamlined approach to the typical to-do list. If I didn't use Todoist and instead stuck with my typical paper to-do list, my list would naturally be miles long and practically unreadable. Todoist helps me feel more organized, and keeps me on top of important due dates so I don't miss them. It's basically like carrying a personal assistant around in my pocket! What's not to love about that? (Oh, and did I mention that it's FREE?!)


Grammarly is a must-have browser extension for any college student - because no matter your major, we could all stand to have better writing. (I might be biased being a Communications major and all, but I'd be willing to bet that 95% of your professors would agree with me on this one.) No matter what site you're on, Grammarly underlines your errors in red, be they grammatical or spelling-related.  Especially as a blogger, I know Grammarly has helped me notice some of my own tendencies (*cough overusing commas cough*) and correct them to become a better writer! 

Why it deserves an A+

Your grammar is part of your first impression, both on your professors and on your future employers. In fact, many employers (including ones from Harvard) have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to silly grammar mistakes. Downloading Grammarly not only helps you correct these mistakes when they happen, but also notice your personal patterns and learn to self-correct. 

Self Control

If you use a Mac, Self Control is the perfect productivity app for regaining control of your time spent on the Internet. Whenever you're working on something and don't want to be distracted by the temptations of Pinterest, Facebook or Netflix, you can open Self Control and set a timed "blacklist" of sites to block your access to. While it might seem a bit extreme to completely cut off your access to such sites, I promise it will completely transform your productivity when you're working on assignments that require the Web! 

Why it deserves an A+

Focusing is half the battle when it comes to getting good grades in college. When your attention is divided between multiple tasks, you're likely to put less effort into an assignmnt and even make careless errors in grammar, math and more. Personally, I think you're better off disciplining yourself for a short period of time than you will be if you have to force yourself to crack down due to unproductivity - in other words, you'd much rather block your access to Netflix binging for an hour than have to write an entire paper in five. 

Google Calendar

@ college students who have tried to survive without Google Calendar: I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but you're wrong. Google Calendar has honestly saved my life on so many occasions, whether because I would have been late, overbooked myself or forgotten about a due date for an assignment or blog post. My favorite feature of Google Calendar is that you are able to make multiple calendars for yourself, so you can easily separate tasks by personal/school/blog/etc. and even by course. If you're a busy gal like me, I promise Google Calendar will make it WAY easier to manage the simplest things in life! 

Why it deserves an A+

In college, time management is half the battle when it comes to getting stellar grades. Using Google Calendar allows me to plan out my entire day from start to finish, makes scheduling appointments with professors easier and even lets me block out time to study and accomplish basic life tasks, like laundry or dishes, when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Plus, I love that you can set certain tasks as recurring until a certain date, making it easy to enter your classes for an entire semester without the hassle of doing them one-by-one.


Plan is an amazing extension for Google Calendar that allows you to write a to-do list and schedule those tasks into your preexisting schedule for the day. To use Plan, you need to enable Google Calendar so you can see the basic outline of your schedule. Then, all you have to do is enter and drag tasks over to block out chunks of time to work on each one individually. This works perfectly for anything from laundry to lunchtime for ensuring you get everything done that you need to accomplish  during your day. 

Why it deserves an A+

As a blogger, balancing work and studying is always a challenge for me. Since I love to blog, I find it easy to work on those tasks, but need a little bit more of a push when it comes to studying and required readings. The click-and-drag system of Plan lets me easily divide my time between blogging and studying, so I can still get good grades while balancing the things I love to do. If you're someone who's busy with a side hustle or extra-curriculars, Plan is the time management system you NEED to get everything done without so much as a sigh!

What apps do you use to help you get good grades? LMK @haleymarieblog or in the comments below!