Friday, August 18, 2017

How to Face Your Fashion Fears

Hello, beautiful! Today I'm jumping in on Dia&Co's Try-Day Friday series, where bloggers step outside their fashion comfort zones and try something new for a change. (If you haven't heard, Dia&Co is an awesome fashion subscription service for plus-size women of all shapes and sizes!) So, I'm here to talk to you all about my biggest fashion fears and how we can both learn to overcome them :)

First thing's first: what is a "fashion fear"? Well, if you're anything like me, you've probably put together a daring look before, only to chicken out at the last minute and change into something "safer." That's why I'm here today: not only to remind you that you're not alone, but also to help you find the confidence you need to put together a daring look of your very own!

Facing My Fashion Fears

Everyone's fashion fears are different, but they all stem from a lack of confidence - I honestly believe there's no style that couldn't look good on you with a little bit of pep in your step! For me, here are a few of my biggest fashion fears that I have the most trouble overcoming:

  • A bold lip. I love the look of dark, Lorde-style lipstick - but when it comes to my own life, I'm more likely to walk out of the house wearing chapstick than anything close to bordeaux.
  • Crop tops. I own a select few crop tops because, like many women, I'm super self-conscious about my stomach - but I love the way they look when I dare to wear them out!
  • Heels. I'm not afraid of heels, per say, as much as I am of walking around in them...again, love the look, but not the price I pay to pull it off!
In honor of Try-Day Friday, I vowed to overcome all of these fashion fears at once - so, me and Ryan had a fun little fashion shoot so I could show you all the results on the blog! :) Here were a few of the highlights:

Building Confidence in Style

Building up the confidence to take photos of myself pulling off three of the scariest trends known to womankind (or, at least, to this woman) wasn't easy, but I'm super happy with the results. I also think it was an important life lesson - that we could all stand to take more risks in life! So, here are some confidence-boosting tips to help you rock your own Try-Day Friday and dare to dream big when it comes to fashion:

Fake it 'Til You Make It

One of the most incredible TED Talks you'll ever watch is Amy Cuddy's presentation on the power of body language to shape our mood. According to Amy, the old adage "fake it 'til you make it" is scientifically proven: you can actually boost your self-esteem by adopting a "power pose," aka a girl power stance that makes you feel confident and in-charge. So, put those hands on your hips, fake a smile and work it, girl! I promise you'll find yourself feeling better about yourself - and your style - in no time :)

Post Affirmations on Your Mirror

The mirror can be one of the scariest places in your bathroom or bedroom if you're affected by negative body image. Thankfully, this also makes it the perfect place to show yourself (and your body) some TLC! One of my personal favorite ways to boost confidence is to write yourself little love messages like "You look hot!" or "Go get 'em, tiger!" on a post-it note and stick it to your mirror where you'll see it. 

Here's a teensy little personal anecdote about this technique: ever since I read the book What Would Audrey Do? by Pamela Keogh (about how to live more like one of my personal idols and style icons Audrey Hepburn), I've kept a list of "Ways to Be an Audrey" on my bedroom mirror to inspire me. Some of my favorite takeaways from that list? Don't overpluck your eyebrows, and always, always, always buy yourself flowers :)

Talk to Your Inner Child

If you've ever worked with kids before (hello, fellow camp counselors!), you know that the littlest thing can send them spiraling into a tearful fit. Needless to say, if you talked to an eight-year-old the way you criticize yourself about your body and fashion choices, their mom would probably sue you for emotional damages. So, instead of telling a self-conscious kid she looks hideous and needs to change immediately, you'd probably gently remind her how much she loves that outfit and how radiant she looks in it! One tip I learned from my research on confidence is to try talking to yourself the way you'd talk to that eight year old: speak to yourself as if you were a sensitive child, or the way you might reassure a good friend, instead of beating yourself up and shooting yourself down. This is the easiest way I've ever found to curb negative self-talk and start feeling more confident in literally minutes!

What's your best trick for facing your fashion fears with confidence? LMK @haleymarieblog or in the comments below! 

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