Hello, beautiful! As many of you know, I'm obsessed with apps - I must download a new one at least every other week. (In case you missed it, click here to check out my list of the best apps for college students.)
Anyways, it's been awhile since I wrote a post here on Haley Marie Blog about my app obsession. So, in the spirit of getting ready for my first session of classes for Summer 2018, I decided to throw together this post on all the apps that have helped me get my shit together in time for the upcoming semester.
Between spring cleaning, money makeovers and study sessions, these apps have helped me tackle every step of my to-do list. From productivity-boosting tools to healthy living companions, these apps (which are mostly free!) will help you achieve the life of your dreams in a flash.
So, without further ado, here's my list of 25 apps that helped me get my shit together - I hope they help you get healthy, happy and organized, too!
1. Google Drive
An old standby for keeping everything you need in one convenient place. I especially like to upload photos and documents at work when I know I'm going to need them remotely from home later.
2. iScanner
This app will turn any photographed document into a scanned PDF. It's 100% worth the upgrade to the paid version for unlimited pages and the ability to email docs to yourself.
3. GroupMe
The easiest app for creating group messages between people who don't all have iPhones. I use this in my position with the Boston University Panhellenic Council and think it's honestly a game changer.
4. Evernote
Much like Google Drive, Evernote allows me to create notebooks and sync my writing across devices. I find it especially helpful when I need to take notes at a meeting and refer back to them on-the-go.
5. My Study Life
This app saves my life at least once a semester. Keep all of your due dates, exam dates and class schedules in one convenient, color-coded place.
6. StudyBreak
Ever worry that you're not being productive when trying to study? Stop clicking away to play Kim K Hollywood and start focusing with this handy Pomodoro timer that gives you warning notifications whenever you get distracted by your phone.
7. Duolingo
If you want to learn a new language, Duolingo is hands-down the best free app out there. It offers lessons, challenges and virtual clubs for language learners to help you master your second tongue in no time.
8. Quizlet
Chances are, if you're in college, you already know all about Quizlet's amazing flashcard features. However, I highly recommend downloading the app to carry your study materials wherever you go.
9. Apple News
IMHO, no app has ever come close to replacing the classic Apple News. Apple News allows you to follow only the topics and publications that interest you. Goodbye, FOX News!
10. Countable
In this day and age, it's more important to know how your representatives are voting than ever before. Keep up with Congress using the Countable app, and easily send your opinion or call your senator when an issue catches your eye.
11. Simple
After I got tired of big banks charging me even bigger fees, I switched to Simple, an online checking and savings service that doesn't charge overdraft fees on any of your accounts. Simple lets you know how much of your money is safe to spend, so you can finally kiss $0 account balances goodbye.
12. Stash
Investing is as easy as depositing $5 with the Stash app. Simply set up automatic weekly or monthly purchases of shares of stocks that interest you to start making bank fast.
13. GoodBudget
GoodBudget offers a virtual alternative to the envelope system of budgeting. Fill your "envelopes" with cash each month and input your transactions to easily keep track of your budget.
14. Studio Tone It Up
Studio Tone It Up offers my favorite live and pre-recorded workouts from my girls K&K. I love keeping up with Karena and Katrina in-app - it makes exercising fun!
15. Nutritrack
For fans of the old Sustainabody app, Nutritrack is its new-and-improved cousin. Instead of helping you count calories and focus on weight loss, its focus is on macro- and micronutrients, so you can make sure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
16. Stigma
If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you know how unpredictable your moods can get. Stigma helps me keep track of my anxiety patterns so I know when to worry about relapses, change my medication or talk to my therapist.
17. Calm
As far as I'm concerned, Calm is the best free meditation app out there! IMHO, nothing else comes close to its rainstorm noises or simple meditation timers for squeezing a few precious moments of R&R into your day.
18. 3 Good Things
You might have heard that maintaining a regular gratitude practice will make you a healthier, happier person. Now, you can carry your gratitude journal wherever you go and add your three good things for the day whenever inspiration strikes.
19. Zocdoc
Anyone who's needed to book a last-minute doctor's appointment knows what a disaster dealing with nurses can be. That's where Zocdoc comes in: it lets you easily schedule same-day doctor's appointments in your health insurance network, for half the wait and half the cost.
20. Spot On
As a proud Planned Parenthood patient, nothing makes me happier than tracking my cycle in the Spot On app. Not only does it allow me to easily plan for my period, but it also comes with fun condom and dinosaur emojis in the Apple keyboard. Yasssss, please!
21. Iodine
Thinking about switching medications? Iodine is the easiest way to compare costs, side effects and efficacy across different brands. As someone on antidepressants, I can honestly say I've turned to Iodine more than once for advice - and it's always worked!
22. Cladwell
Say goodbye to mornings spent rummaging through the closet not knowing what to wear. Thanks to Cladwell's enormous dictionary of clothing, you can easily add the items in your wardrobe and generate outfits - and even capsules - at the touch of a button.
23. Konmari
That's right: everyone's favorite cleaning sensation now has her very own app! It's even useful, giving you checklists to walk you through the process of Konmari step by intimidating step.
24. Libby
If you have a library card, then you need to download Libby. Libby, an AI bot, helps you borrow thousands of e-books from your local lib and download them straight to your e-reader or even your phone.
25. Reading List
Last but not least, one of my resolutions for 2018 was to read more books for pleasure - and nothing has helped me achieve that quite like Reading List. Reading List keeps track of everything from the books you're currently reading to everything you want to read next, so you'll never forget another title or author again.
Ever worry that you're not being productive when trying to study? Stop clicking away to play Kim K Hollywood and start focusing with this handy Pomodoro timer that gives you warning notifications whenever you get distracted by your phone.
7. Duolingo
If you want to learn a new language, Duolingo is hands-down the best free app out there. It offers lessons, challenges and virtual clubs for language learners to help you master your second tongue in no time.
8. Quizlet
Chances are, if you're in college, you already know all about Quizlet's amazing flashcard features. However, I highly recommend downloading the app to carry your study materials wherever you go.
9. Apple News
IMHO, no app has ever come close to replacing the classic Apple News. Apple News allows you to follow only the topics and publications that interest you. Goodbye, FOX News!
10. Countable
In this day and age, it's more important to know how your representatives are voting than ever before. Keep up with Congress using the Countable app, and easily send your opinion or call your senator when an issue catches your eye.
11. Simple
After I got tired of big banks charging me even bigger fees, I switched to Simple, an online checking and savings service that doesn't charge overdraft fees on any of your accounts. Simple lets you know how much of your money is safe to spend, so you can finally kiss $0 account balances goodbye.
12. Stash
Investing is as easy as depositing $5 with the Stash app. Simply set up automatic weekly or monthly purchases of shares of stocks that interest you to start making bank fast.
13. GoodBudget
GoodBudget offers a virtual alternative to the envelope system of budgeting. Fill your "envelopes" with cash each month and input your transactions to easily keep track of your budget.
14. Studio Tone It Up
Studio Tone It Up offers my favorite live and pre-recorded workouts from my girls K&K. I love keeping up with Karena and Katrina in-app - it makes exercising fun!
15. Nutritrack
For fans of the old Sustainabody app, Nutritrack is its new-and-improved cousin. Instead of helping you count calories and focus on weight loss, its focus is on macro- and micronutrients, so you can make sure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
16. Stigma
If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you know how unpredictable your moods can get. Stigma helps me keep track of my anxiety patterns so I know when to worry about relapses, change my medication or talk to my therapist.
17. Calm
As far as I'm concerned, Calm is the best free meditation app out there! IMHO, nothing else comes close to its rainstorm noises or simple meditation timers for squeezing a few precious moments of R&R into your day.
18. 3 Good Things
You might have heard that maintaining a regular gratitude practice will make you a healthier, happier person. Now, you can carry your gratitude journal wherever you go and add your three good things for the day whenever inspiration strikes.
19. Zocdoc
Anyone who's needed to book a last-minute doctor's appointment knows what a disaster dealing with nurses can be. That's where Zocdoc comes in: it lets you easily schedule same-day doctor's appointments in your health insurance network, for half the wait and half the cost.
20. Spot On
As a proud Planned Parenthood patient, nothing makes me happier than tracking my cycle in the Spot On app. Not only does it allow me to easily plan for my period, but it also comes with fun condom and dinosaur emojis in the Apple keyboard. Yasssss, please!
21. Iodine
Thinking about switching medications? Iodine is the easiest way to compare costs, side effects and efficacy across different brands. As someone on antidepressants, I can honestly say I've turned to Iodine more than once for advice - and it's always worked!
22. Cladwell
Say goodbye to mornings spent rummaging through the closet not knowing what to wear. Thanks to Cladwell's enormous dictionary of clothing, you can easily add the items in your wardrobe and generate outfits - and even capsules - at the touch of a button.
23. Konmari
That's right: everyone's favorite cleaning sensation now has her very own app! It's even useful, giving you checklists to walk you through the process of Konmari step by intimidating step.
24. Libby
If you have a library card, then you need to download Libby. Libby, an AI bot, helps you borrow thousands of e-books from your local lib and download them straight to your e-reader or even your phone.
25. Reading List
Last but not least, one of my resolutions for 2018 was to read more books for pleasure - and nothing has helped me achieve that quite like Reading List. Reading List keeps track of everything from the books you're currently reading to everything you want to read next, so you'll never forget another title or author again.